Secrets and secrets with nowhere to turn

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He settles in and asks a nurse to take him to her room. Once he gets there, a different nurse walked out of Alex's room and she looked petrified. Then, alone, Nate walked in. Alex was standing in the center of the room. Just starring at the wall. It was a plane wall with absolutely nothing on in, and she was pale with a dark stair. "Hey Alex are you ok? You look flushed." "I'm fine I'm just tired." She says with no emotion or hesitation. "Alex are you sure that's all?" "Yes, can you leave I want to be alone." She says. "Alone?? Since when?" He thought to him self. "Ok, I'll be back I'm the morning ok?" He says with no response from Alex. Then he goes to hug her, her skin was shiny, moist and cold, like a dead body but she's alive... Like a zombie. "I love you?" He once again got no response. He walked out, then waited till 11:20 pm then left, he was there by 11:25, he was early so he waited. Then a dark teal truck with tinted windows pulled up to him. The person cracked the window. A familiar voice began to speak. It was Kelly. "Get in hurry!" She says then roles up the window. He then locks his car and gets in her truck. "Ok Kelly wha-" he stops to the surprise of Kelly's face and body, she had a bloody ear, nose and mouth and had a black eye and lots of boozes.

"Kelly! What the hell happened to you?!"

"Did you hear the man in the background of our call?"

"Did he do this??"


"Why? Kelly what's going on?!"

"Nate I'm afraid that this is bigger then Alex, you, the hospital, me, every thing! I found a hidden room in the back of the hospital, so I went inside. It looked like a experimental lab. I was snooping around and found a table with a heavy cloth over it. And another on the wall. I pulled one and then the other. The table have bloody tools and toucher items. And the wall with pictures of missing girls and of dead patients. At this point I was ready to run and never stop but then I saw my picture and-"

She stops, she was very shook.

"I saw a picture of Alex, and her mom. Above the pictures it said next. Once I saw that I noticed a door, I thought it was a exit, but-"

She started to cry

"It was full of girls I've seen at the hospital or on the missing persons reports, but they were all dead with name tags on each body, there was blood all over the wall. And scratches on the wall spelling out "help us" and "save us" or even "he's watching" I quickly closed the door then I heard someone coming so I hide. Alex's Doctor mr.Mizelur Walks in and freaked. He was like "what the- Ed!" He called to some who walked in "guard this place someone have been in here!" He told him and ran out, but the guard went to get more information and followed him, thats when I called you. But he heard me and eventually found me, we faught for almost 20 minutes when I managed my way the table with sharp tools, I took one and through it at him and ran, but I was so hurt it was hard to run to escape. I got out without anyone seeing me. Then I went home and rested. Then I came here."

She finally finished explaining then handed a folder.

"You might want to see his Nate."

He opened the folder and saw the words "Robot Medicine Protect" and was pictures of weird chemicals and medicines, then under a section called "perfect subject" there was pictures of Alex even before she even got sick in the first place. "What fresh hell is this?" Nate asked. "I think he got her sick and then brought her in to test her, is she acting and different?" Kelly asked. Nate looked at her and his eyes widened "VERY!" "What should we do?" Asked Kelly. "I'll call the police." He put in 911. "911 what is you emergency?" "Hello? There is a crazy guy that kidnapped girls and killed them and is experiments on them! We need help" "lesson kid I'm done with these prank calls, your lady friend called in earlier and said the same thing and there was no " secret room" or "stolen girls" now stop calling!" The call ends.

Hang up on some like that???" Nate yells.

"I know it's stupid, I was hoping they would believe you!"

"I guess I'm on my own." Nate says

"No I'm gonna help" said Kelly

"No, you're hurt enough as it is"

No. I. Am. Going. To. Help.

"Ok fine-" Nate opens the door "stay with me at the hospital tonight and let them fix you up. They'll never believe the truth so just say you were mugged."

She nodes and he hopes out of Kelly's truck and gets in his car, and with Kelly following, drove to the hospital. And went to sleep.

All he could think about was Alex. Making in impossible to sleep. He wonders to her room and walks in. She's laying on her bed. With a notebook in her hand. Nate picks it up and reads-

Dear journal,

The doctor said the new medicine would make me feel better but I feel worse but he made me promise not to tall anyone, I won't... I'm so scared the medicine made me so... Not me. Nate if you read this. HELP ME!

Love ,

"What now, I don't know what's real any more... This is all so sudden, someone please... Help us." He thought after kissing her forehead and walking back to his room. "Please..."

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