chapter 9

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We were about to eat dinner then our new neighbors came over to introduce themselves. I see the guy Vincent was talking about, the one that is now across from his room. The old man must be their dad, but what I'm trying to figure out as my parents talk with the Joe guy, where that girl is.

Wait a minute, why do I want to know? Just as I thought that, the teenage guy starts to speak.

"Please to meet you, I'm Tommy." The guy said, "Psst Madi, come out and say hi," he whispers. And then I see this head pop out behind him.


"Hello, I'm Madison... or Madi," she says in a small voice.

I started to feel heat creep up my neck. Not only are her eyes hypnotic but so is her voice. My eyes widen, WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!

"So your name is Madison?" Jason rhetorically asks. She looks towards him and her eyes widen. Then slowly her face turns bright red. Dammit, now I know for sure that my face is also red! I turn my head to the side. What is this girl doing to me?!

"Come sit, Kyle could you get some extra chairs for them?" Mom asked. Kyle nodded and went to get them. Once everyone was seated and awkward silence filled the room.

"Ahem, well um, this looks delicious. Thank you again for letting us join you." Joe said.

"Aw! Thank you, go ahead and dig in," Mom replied while smiling brightly. She liked it when someone compliments her cooking.  With that everyone passes along the food and started eating. I unconsciously looked at Madison, uh, Madi? No, no, no. That sounds like I'm close to her, I'm sticking with Madison. She was eating slowly, extremely slow in fact. She seems distracted, what is she looking at? I follow her gaze and see that she is staring at Jason. As if he heard me, he looked up at Madison then he.... WHOA WHAT?! H- He smirked at her teasingly! Out of the five of us, Jason and I are the least responsive to girls! We try to avoid and/or ignore them at all costs. BUT HE SMIRKED AT HER TEASINGLY!

Not wanting to see their interactions any longer I turn to Liam next to me. He was also eating very slowly while looking at something, or should I say someone. Following his gaze it landed on Madison. What the heck?! I seen that look before! It's the look that only shows up when he has found a new girl to target to make her fall for him so he can take them to his bed. Turning my head to Vincent, which is on the other side of me, I notice him also staring at Madison. He looks like an idiot, looking all happy with a broad smile on his face. Probably because he can finally meet the "new girl".

Seeing them just angered me. Not knowing the reason why I'm so angry, I look at Kyle, and surprise crosses my face as I see him talk to that Tommy guy. Huh, I totally forgot about the "new guy". They seem to be hitting it off and he hasn't even looked at Madison. That calms me down a bit.  


Ughhhhhhh! I should just finish my dinner and run to my room. Stuffing the last pieces of my food, I stand up to put my dishes away. Just as I was about to reach the stairs, Mom called out to me.

"Not so fast Mark, where are you going?"

"Uh, I finished already so I plan on going to my room." I answer just wanting to leave this room already.

"Why don't you bring Tommy and Madison up too, looks like they're already finish and I was planning on continuing this conversation with you Joe. That is, if you don't mind?" Dad said.

No, no, no! That's something I do not want to do; I wanted to get away from Madison! Not be in the same room as her alone! (A/N: hehehe :3, he completely didn't hear Tommy's name! ;p)

"Oh no, I don't mind. But are you sure we're not intruding on you guys?" Joe asked. And YES, YES YOU ARE INTRUDING!

"No, of course not," Mom replied gleefully. I sigh, 'of course not'.

"Um..." I said trying to come up with an excuse as to not let Madison anywhere near me.

"What is it Mark? Do you not want Madi in you pig sty-- oops, I mean room?" Vincent said with a fake look of innocence. I growled at him as the others snickered at me.

"Well it is true that Mark's room isn't the best to bring guests in, but Vincent apologize!" Mom said smacking his head. I don't know weather to be happy that I don't have to bring Madison into my room, or insulted that Mom just agreed with Vincent. My room is not that bad, at least I can still see part of the floor!

"You guys can come to my room instead then." Jason says while standing up and putting away his plate and their plates.

"Um..." the Tommy guys hesitates to say, "can I go to Kyle's room instead? I still haven't won this argument at who can beat the other at baseball." Kyle looks at him with a face that clearly reads, "yeah right! I'm totally not losing in this debate." Looks like Kyle hit it off with the new guy. Sucks to be him, there's no way Kyle would lose an argument about baseball.

"That's fine, Madi will just come with me right?" Jason says. Madison's face turns bright red as she's trying to keep a poker face on, clearly having a difficult time. I see Jason's corner of his lips perk up.

"Oh, hell no!"


Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I hope you guys didn't give up on me, but if you did, I understand. I'm a terrible author making all of you wait and I apologize again.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope it made up for me not updating. m(-_-)m : a little "bowing on the ground face" (is there even a name for these?), to ask for forgiveness.

Please continue to read, comment, and vote!

Until next update - I don't know when I'll have it up, I might be a sucky and lazy writer again and if I am, I'm sorry. I am currently trying to fix that habit.

P.S. You guys have anyone's POV specifically you want to read?

- Jason





-Mark (again)


-Mr. (Frank) or Mrs. (Sarah) Anderson

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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