Chapter 2

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I stepped through the door and into the cold, barren landscape that awaited me. Snow littered the ground and old trees lingered above my head, closing me in. I saw but one trail through the land, so I travelled it.

As I was walking, I heard the sudden crackle of breaking wood behind me, and I twirled around in fright. On the ground there was a stick that had been more than broken, it had been obliterated. I looked around wildly to try and find the source of the noise, but none was found.

Now on guard, I continued my trek. It wasn't long before I heard the movements of another being rustling through the leafless woods, but yet again I could find no such creature.

I was now certain that I was being watched. I kept walking on, and eventually came to a small bridge that lay across a fissure so small that it could be jumped across. Above the bridge was a horizontal wooden pole that extended and hung over the crack with several vertical poles extending down from it.

I heard footsteps behind me, and I froze. The sound got closer and closer, until it stopped right behind me. I turned around, not sure of what sort of fate that I had in store.

Standing there I found a short fellow with no meat on his bones--literally. He was a stubby skeleton in a blue parka. His eyes glowed inside his skull as if by magic, and he had a stupid grin on his skinless face.

He stuck out his hand. "Is that how you greet a new friend?"

I reluctantly shook the strange figure's hand, and instantly regretted it. As my hand pressed into his, a rather perverse sound slipped out.

"Ah, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. What a classic," he said. "The name is Sans. What's yours, human?"

I didn't answer.

"Oh, you're the silent type I see. What is it, do you not have the GUTS to say your mind?"

I became disappointed in my new acquaintance already.

"Not impressed? Please don't wear that face, it makes me feel like you have a BONE to pick with me."

I became increasingly disappointed with all of the skeleton puns.

"Sheesh, tough crowd. Come on, don't let it get under your SKIN. Let's go through the gate. My brother, Papyrus, made the RIBS too big for the to stop anyone."

That's supposed to be a gate?!

We walked across the tiny bridge. If it wasn't for that stupid "gate" blocking my way I would have totally just jumped across. We kept walking for a little bit after that, and we came to a sort of clearing. There was a broken down shack and a very oddly shaped lamp, but not really much else of notice.

"My brother, he's an interesting one," said the chatterbox named Sans. "He's pretty bent on catching a human, so if you would play along a little bit then that would be great. Oh, here he comes! Quick, behind that conveniently shaped lamp!"

Eh, sure, why not? I hit behind the large lamp, that was for some reason molded in a very human-like shaped. I spied on the conversation from behind it.

Into the clearing came another skeleton, this time a very tall and lanky one. His main defining feature was an orange scarf that he wore. There were also several pokeballs at his waist, which surprised me. This was the one called Papyrus.

"Hey Sans! Have you seen any humans today?"

"Nope," he lied. "Not one. Maybe they're chilled to the BONE knowing that I'm on sentry duty."

"Stop with those disastrous puns! And of course you haven't seen any, you're always just lazing around! That's okay though, because that leaves more for the great Papyrus to find! Yes, the day shall soon come when I become part of the Royal Guard! Then, I'll be famous and everyone will love me!"

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