Narrators POVThe year is 1977. A hot summer morning leads all the teens to the local pool, to wine down and relax. Mariah and her "gang" packs all of their things to venture off to the pool along with the others. Swimsuit, snacks, basically a teen survival pack to get them truths day. Mariah turns back at her friends popping her gum. Now walking backwards, and the others walking forward. Her pastel pink skirt blowing with the some-what breezy air keeping them alive in the deadly Devils heat. Her friend Casey jogs up to her whispering a message in her ear.
Mariah grins, letting out a bubbly laugh.
"What?" Ramone asks picking through her thick African Afro.
"Oh nothing-" Casey smiles being cut off by Mariah
"Let's take a shortcut through the Bronx" she blurted
Casey scoffs, playfully punching her arm. Mariah winces in "pain" giggling with the others.
"So why'd you whisper?" Ramone chuckled
"It was a suggestion" Casey rolled her eyes giving Ramone her feisty side
"Calm down sweets" Ramone smiled "why not" she shrugged
The all giggled with a pip in their step heading in the direction that can quickly lead them to the Bronx without them having to take the train to the Bronx, and walk a "hundred" more blocks just to swim in a not so big, nor all that clean pool. It was worth it though. With the heat they have been enduring, they'd swim in a toilet if possible.
A clean one of course.
Mariah's POV
"Ughhhhhhh" I groaned
All of this heat is killing me. I thought wearing a short skirt, and a neatly cut shirt would at least keep me cool. I feel like a...a over cooked, boiled ham that's been left out for days. Then thrown into an oven to be heated even more.
"Boo-Boo!" an unfamiliar voice calls
A male voice
"Bring you ass back over here boy!" He yells
A slim, and sorta tall light skinned boys comes running. His Afro glistening from all of his sweat. He stops and places his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He looks up at me then stands up straight wiping his forehead "clean".
"Take a'll last longer" my friend Jill smiles pulling her lollipop out of her mouth, and licking her red painted lips.
"Shut up" I chuckle slapping her arm.
She backs away giggling. A group of boys, 4 to be exact comes running behind. I guess that boy Boo-Boo must've done something to really piss them off. Especially for them to be chasing him. Me and the girls start to walk off when one of the boys call us out.
Slim, nice brown skin, a little beard, and a short fro
"The hell y'all doing here?" He questions pointing, and slowly walking towards us.
I roll my eyes knowing that this boy is gonna be trouble.
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I'm new to wattpad so I don't really know how things work.
Love you guys ❤️😀

The Get Down
RandomThis book is basically a drama book. A group filled with teens who has nothing but dreams, and the upcoming of a new music genre hip hop. With all of the chaos, and trouble that comes there way they still stick together. Even though they fall off a...