This book is basically a drama book.
A group filled with teens who has nothing but dreams, and the upcoming of a new music genre hip hop. With all of the chaos, and trouble that comes there way they still stick together. Even though they fall off a...
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Meet the boys 😃⬆️
Ezekiel "Books" Figuero, a smart, resourceful teen, brimming with untapped talent and unrequited love, who is determined to make his mark in this world.
✨Shaolin Fantastic, a child of the streets, thrill-seeking, unpredictable, eccentric but above all, enigmatic.
Ra-Ra Kipling, a loyal, respected, protective friend and brother with his head screwed on tight, he's the voice of reason beyond his years.
Boo-Boo Kipling, a mechanically minded kid who is an irrepressible 40-year-old in a 14-year-old's body.
Marcus "Dizzle" Kipling, a "psychedelically" talented and enigmatic graffiti artist writer raised in south bronx
✨Mariah "Candy" Lee, a ambitious, spontaneous teen girl born and raised in Manhattan, and has a slight attitude problem.
Jill (Blondie) Cane, a troubled teen, born and raised in Manhattan, willing to change her ways, but is always held back by boys
Ramone (Afro) Jones, a well educated teen, mind of a 30 year old but body of a teen, manipulative, and doesn't take no for an answer
Casey ( Case) Brooks, a not so "intelligent" teen, hot stuff, and boy crazy. She lowkey crazy, and a drama queen.
I thought I'd give you guys the details of the characters before we get more into the book. ❤️
The sound of gravel crunching beneath our feet as we make our way away from the boys. I- we don't have time to be in any trouble with anyone. Especially with some boys. I look over at Ramone as she pops her gum,mans she looks back at me smiling. She spits her gum out, and speaks up.
"A few more blocks, and we'll be at the N Y C pool" she shimmied trying to lighten the mood even more.
"I wish I had a car" Jill whined stomping her feet as she continued to walk.
I roll my eyes knowing that the conversation of me supposedly getting a car will come up. Jill's dad promised that he'll get me a car. Crazy you may say since he's her dad.
*Let me give you a little rundown on me and Jill's family. Ya see when I was about 9 my mother died in a terrible accident, and my father was never around. He was a drug addict. Acts all I know about him. Jill and I grew up together though. She was just as heartbroken as I was when I found out about my mothers passing. Her family took me in as there own. All of the court dates for custody, and legal issues. Her dad and mom are like my second parents...take that back her dad is like my father, and her mom is like my second mom. I call her mom Ms. Cane, and her dad, dad.
*The reason he's been promising to get me a car was because he says I'm more mature than Jill. I've been on honor roll every year, I complete my chores on time, I volunteer at soup kitchens, and shelter. I found a summer job, and well...Jill she found a summer job, it's just she isn't as "mature" he say she's supposed to be. So that's why he's buying me a car.
"Dads buying you a car..Mariah" she playfully smiled.
I scoff and rolled my eyes. I know she's not happy about dad buying me a car, but I told her that I'll let her drive it. She isn't pleased about the offer though. She wants her own car, and I told her to prove to dad that she's mature, and he might buy her a car also.
"Are we just gonna ignore the boy who came at us?" Ramone exclaimed
"Let's just forget about them" I shrugged "that'll probably be the last time we'll see them"
"Yeah I hope so" Casey added "he had no reason to speak to us like that!" She exaggerated
I rolled my eyes giggling. The sound of water splashing, 'S.O.S TAKE YOUR TIME' blasting. I speed walk to the admissions booth to get our free wristbands. "4 wristbands for...youth/adult" I smile. She smiles back sliding the peach wristbands over the counter.
I jog back over to e girls, and we all strap them on.
"Ugh thank god" Ramone groaned "let's swim" she smiled
"Y'all thought" a boy with a green shirt laughed snatching my wristband
"Hey give it back, boy" I scoffed reaching but he pulled his hand back
"Give it back" I stomped
"I wanna go for a swim too" he chucks waving my wristband at his friends
"Who are you?" I questioned
Casey walked over and snatched the band from him making him jump a little. He cleared his throat scratching the back of his head. His friends walk closer to us, and one with a red leather jacket leans against the Brick wall we're standing by. I glimpse at him then back at the boy who took my wristband.
"My name is Ra-Ra" he smiled stretching his hand out.
"Ra-Ra" I giggled shaking his hand "well I'm Mariah, but they call me candy" I smiled
"Ooh candy" a shorter boy walked over "well candy, my name is Boo-Boo-"
"AHA!" Ramone laughed
"I'm Boo-Boo, and this is Dizzle, Ziek aka Books, Shaolin the fantastic, and Dizzle" he continued
"Well hello, but I'd appreciate it if you guys would stop following us...we're trynna have a peaceful day" I smiled turning in my heels, and walking towards the girls bathroom along with my girls
"Oooh I see" Shaolin spoke
I turned around confused.
"See what" I turn trying to look at my butt thinking that I must've walked around with something on my ass.
"Mm nothing" she smiled standing up straight from the wall "let's go boys"
"No! What do you see?"
"I see how much of a bitch you are" he chuckled smiling.
A bitch? I thought
"A bitch?" I scoffed
"Yes, a bitch" he repeated
"Oh well I'm not gonna stand here,mans listen to you talk bad about me" I crossed my arms wal,I got back towards the bathroom.
"The way you walk, and carry yourself" he continued
I ignored him, and barged into the bathroom.
"I like that!" He shouted, and it echoed through the stalls.
I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm hoping to update again tonight, and if not tonight then tomorrow. 😃❤️