The Kahn Game

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I strolled through the corridors of Rosewood Day High School , heading towards Ezra's classroom. I walked around the corner of the hallway and was suddenly stopped by Noel Kahn, my ex-boyfriend. He looked at me sternly , like I had betrayed him in some way.
"How could you...?" He spat.
I glared at him, confused. I didn't have any idea what he was talking about.
"Noel, what are you going on about?"
"Everyone knows you and Mr. Fitz weren't just scrabble buddies" he replied in rage.
I gasped. How could he know? Had he followed me to Ezra's apartment? Did he see me leave? I swallowed hard, and pretended to play dumb.
"Noel, I have no idea what your talking about? Are you high again?" I laughed , whilst lying through my teeth.
He then pulled out his iPhone 5 and showed me an image. The image was me and Ezra , kissing passionately in the doorway of his apartment. I grabbed the phone , and stared , wide-eyed.
"Noel , how did you..?"
"It was sent to me. By someone called -A." He interrupted.
Alison. The name span around my mind and I suddenly felt dizzy.
"Promise me you won't tell anyone" I stuttered quietly.
"Noel Kahn , promise me" I repeated sharply.
He huffed and walked away , as he snatched his phone out of my hand. I wanted to collapse into Ezra's arms and cry, and tell him everything. I power-walked to his classroom, holding back my burning tears. I pushed open the class door , and suddenly , the tears flowed out. I was crying a river. I set down the blinds and closed the door, then faced Ezra Fitz.
"Aria?" He cried in shock. He jogged over to me and hugged me tight. I cried into his arms, soaking his sweater-vest. For the next five minutes , we stayed silent ,  just enjoying each others company.
"Noel Kahn knows" I started. Ezra looked at me with his gorgeous pair of blue eyes. "Knows what...?" He replies.
"Ezra! Really?! " I mumble. "Noel Kahn knows about us" I add, angrily.
Ezra stared at me , in shock and despair. "How? How does he know about us. Have you told anyone?" Ezra stated.
"No! Why would I tell anyone? Apparently somebody sent him a message with us two kissing in your apartment doorway. Last night." I replied, starting to cry again.
I could see fear on Ezra's face , and he started shaking.
"He won't tell anybody though. He promised" I said, breaking the silence.
"And how can you be so sure of that , Aria? " He gulped. I sighed , and I suddenly gave up trying.
"Because he promised" I said, walking out. Ezra suddenly stood in front of me, stopping my tracks.
"Are we over?' He says.
"I- I don't know" i reply.
I walk out of the classroom , tears flowing out of my eyes once again.
That night I couldn't stop thinking about Ezra, and how I longed to be with him right now, watching black and white movies , snuggled into his chest again, like last night.
I grabbed my phone, and swiped right.
One new voicemail
I clicked 'play' immediately, as I saw it was from Ezra.
Aria , it's me , Ezra. I hope we aren't really over , and you shouldn't let anything get to you. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have asked too much of you. I love you. Forever and Always.

HEY GUYS! So I hoped you liked this somewhat intense chapter. Again, liv I hoped you loved it too and yes. Pls snap chat me after you've read this :))) ily
I will be writing about three other chapters tonight , as I am going on a weeks holiday to Devon, so there will be no chapter uploads for a week :) please vote , comment and follow for more intense chapters :)
- Abbie ❤️

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