Two Years Later

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Two years later

"You look gorgeous, baby," I said to my daughter, Ellie, who was starting her first day of year one. For some reason, her school had this new policy thing which stated that all students must wait co-ordinated uniforms. I straightened out her burgundy jumper and cotton skirt. She hugged me tight, then let go to run to the kitchen table.
Ezra was standing in front of the kitchen counter & stove, frying egg and bacon in his tomato - colored GAP t-shirt and baggy jeans.
"Lé Bacon e eggò" he said, in a very bad French accent. Ellie always loved it when Ezra did accents, and she clapped after him every time. He served her breakfast to her and walked over to me, kissing me on the forehead lightly.
I glanced over at the clock which layed on the mantelpiece. It displayed 8:30am. Ellie was supposed to be in school by 8:40!
"Crap! Ellie, c'mon darling, you can eat your breakfast in the car, we need to go!" I said, frustrated.
"I could take her..." Ezra said from behind me.
"You don't have to do that, Ezra,"
"I want to. Please?" He replied, throwing me a boyish smile, you know, the one I always loved.
I smiled and nodded, and Ezra had a look of excitement on his face, and I chuckled.
He picked Ellie up into his arms and rushed out the door. He was such a doll. I wouldn't know what or where I would be without him.
I cleaned up the breakfast items and lay on the couch and turned on the TV. The first thing that popped up was the Jermey Kyle Show. Depressing.
Then Ellen. I'd never been a huge fan of Ellen. Then the X factor. Cringe.
I sighed and turned off the TV - without Ezra I was so bored and I didn't know what to do with myself. I was supposed to have a meeting with Jillian, my boss, but she cancelled since her son was sick.
Time ticked by, and Ezra suddenly unlocked the door.
"I'm baack" he stated, loudly. He threw his keys onto the kitchen table and treated me to a long, lingering kiss on the lips. We broke apart and both smiled. It had felt like forever since I'd had a kiss from Ezra. But I felt that every time, and everytime he did kiss me, I felt relieved and so so happy.
This chapter was absolutely shit but I had no Inspiration lmfao. This is the complete end of this, because I've just lost interest in this😂 but Liv wanted this so hey LIV UR welcome xxXXx

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