Summer Paradise (5sos)

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"Yuss, summer Paradise here I come!". "Come on mum, lets go already! We're gonna be late!" " Yes, yes I know, I'm almost ready." Mum yelled back to Mya and Layla. They were eager to get on the plane, and go to Fiji. They will meet up with Mya's boyfriend called Harry and their sister Layanna.

It's Mya and Layla's 17th birthday (their twins) and their grandma had bought the girls tickets to a holiday home in Fiji for 1 month. All expenses paid for.

Flight QU897525X is boarding in 15 minutes. A direct flight to Fiji. 10 minutes had past and they were lining up to board the plane. They quickly walked up the stairs into the plane. Layla had her earphones in listening to Ed Sheeran. She was paying no attention to the real life out of her earphones.

Layla fussily chucked her bag in the slot above her head. She turned around and didn't notice, that she didn't shut the cupboard door properly and her big purple suitcase fell out and hit her head.

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