Chapter 1

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Layla's P.O.V

I woke up and I was in this flash as room, I went down stairs and saw Mya, Layanna and Harry. I ran over to Layanna and gave her a big hug. I watched Mya and Harry Mark googly eyes at each other and Laynna and I just left the room. We went out the back where there was a big as pool. We were talking about how Harry is a such a sick. ( Not in real life obviously). "Hey you know Harry, I don't like him" "Nah me either" Layanna replied.

Mya's P.O.V

Layla & Layanna walked out of the lounge room. They were giving me weird looks. After talking with Harry for about 5 minutes I asked him if he wanted to hang out tonight. He declined with a nervous look. Soon after my phone buzzed off I read a message saying early birthday shopping in 20. Yayy I thought to myself, retail therapy! This should definitely make me happier after getting rejected by my boyfriend on my birthday holiday. The test came from the girls that were outside. How lazy are they?

Layanna's (19) P.O.V

I texted Mya saying that we were going to go shopping because I was to lazy to go and tell her, plus I didn't want to see Harry the dickhead. But eventually we had to go inside, I walked in and surprisingly Harry wasn't there with Mya. So I asked Mya where Harry was and she said that he pitched her because of something. I swear he might as well change his new to pick because who the hell ditches their girlfriend on her birth birthday holiday! Then we all on hopped into my car and drove to these shops. I needed some head-phones so I went into this shop while the other girls went into different shops. I was just listening to music trying out these new headphones when I decided to go for a quick swim. I hope the girls dont mind. I walked onto the beach and this sexy as boy walked out with his Razor surcharge and he is heading straight for me. I tried to fix up my hair but not so it looked to obvious. He then came up to me and said while flicking his hair " Hey baby, your super cute lets go out." " Kayy..." " Oh wait did you just say yes!?" " Yeah, why?" " Because I wouldn't think a beautiful girl like you would go out with a guy like me."

Layla's P.O.V

I was in the C.D store looking at an Ed Sheeran C.D when this cute boy with blonde hair came up to me and said "Hey" " Oh hi" " Do you like Ed Sheeran?" "Yep what about you?" "Yeah he's pretty kool". He was super cute, I hope I don't look horrible. " Oh what's your name ?" I asked after a long silence. "Oh my name is Luke" and then this boy ran up to him and said "Hey Luke who are you talking to" he was very energetic. "Oh hi Calum, this is, wait what is your name?" "My name is Layla" I replied. "Oh well Calum this is Layla and Layla this is Calum" Luke said introducing us. "Hey" I said politely. "Oh hey Layla, you seem nice" "Oh thank you" "I approve" "Of what!?" "Of this" he said pointng to Luke and I. "This is nothing!" I said hesitantly even though I really wanted yo go out with him. " Yeah but it will be" Claim said slowly walking  away to his friend with black hair haha reminded me of black liquorice. Than it was Luke and I standing awkwardly next to each other. And where is Layanna anyway?

Harry's P.O.V

I so didn't want to hang out with Mya. I think she is annoying. The only reason I went out with her was because her grandma has a lot of money, but she doesn't even like me so wtf! So instead of hanging out with Mya I'm going somewhere better. My ex girlfriend is in Fiji so I thought I would pay a visit ;)

Mya's P.O.V

I was just looking at some lingerie when I opened a rack and there was an adorable face there. "Hi!" "My name is Harry" He was so cute plus he had the same name as my boyfriend. "What is this for" he said while holding out a bra. "Ummmmmmmm" I said awkwardly. Than out of no where I hear someone call out "HARRY, where are you!?" "Oh are you looking for this cute little man down here?" I said to this really cute guy that looks like Harry except older, I'm guessing older brother. "Oh yes there you are. Thank you so much my mum would have killed me, my name is Ashton and I bet you've already met Harry". "Haha yes I have" I said looking at the little boy with a bra on his head. "Harry get that off your head!" Ashton said. "Nah you have to catch me first." Harry said running away. Then next thing I know Ashton and I are running after this little boy with a bra on his head.

Layanna's P.O.V

I was sitting with that boy with butterflies but obviously keeping a straight face. "Oh excuse me where are my manners my name is Colton". "Oh kool my name is Layanna." I said trying not to blush but obviously failing because he goes and says something cute like this to make me blush more "Your cute when you blush". "Well thank you" I said with out blushing . Yes, I'm getting better! "Well I better go my sister are probably not worried about me but still" "Oh well when will I see you again?" "Meet me back here tonight" "Ok see you there". I went back to the shopping centre probably red as a tomato. And I go over to Mya and take her to a seat, even though shes with a boy chasing a younger boy with bra on his head. "Oi I was busy" she says obviously pissed. "I need to talk to you about a boy I met" "Oooooooo tell me!" "Ok ready?" "Yep".

Ok thank you I have chapter 2 but i wanna see how successful this chapter is first :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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