Chapter Three

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After you left and ran home in tears that day, Hinata's body was found laying in the storage room by some students. The students quickly informed a teacher and the police arrived on the scene. They said it was a suicide. But you knew the truth. It was murder. You wanted to run down to the office and tell it to their face. But last thing you needed was police on your case and asking a ton of questions. What you needed to do and unmask the true murderer and confront him. And you knew who just to ask.


They cancelled school for the week and you attempted to call Kageyama but he didn't answer.
Kageyama is taking Hinata's death pretty hard. After all, he was his friend, you thought. I should go over to his house and visit him.

You quickly dressed and left the house. It was raining cats and dogs. Luckily you grabbed your umbrella before you left. It was quiet and peaceful walking down the street. It gave you time to think. Kageyama has to know some information about Yamaguchi. He said himself that Yamaguchi came and took Hinata away after class, you thought.

You looked and saw the roof of Kageyama's house. Going up the hill, you could hear footsteps and voices. One you recognized immediately: Kageyama's. The other two were pretty distance. You walked faster up the hill and saw Kageyama walking with Yamaguchi and his tall, blond friend. Kageyama glanced in your direction and his face was pale and eyes slightly red. He must have been crying last night or maybe earlier today, you thought. You walked up to the trio and smiled lightly, sneaking quick peeks at Yamaguchi and the boy.

"Hey, Kageyama. I was calling you earlier, but you didn't pick up. I was worried something happened to you." You said, looking at him with worry.

"Oh. I didn't know you called, _____. I left my phone at school so I have to wait for the school to open back up for me to get it." Kageyama said, not meeting your gaze.

"Oh! Is this _____? It's nice to meet you! I'm-" Yamaguchi started to say, throwing himself in the conversation.

"You're Yamaguchi. I know." You said. "Kageyama told me alot about you." You gave in a fake smile.

"O-Oh, that's good." Yamaguchi looked down with a slight frown but quickly adjusted himself. "This is my...friend, Tsukishima." He hesitated as he said friend as if he didn't mean it.

You looked at Tsukishima and the chill crawled up your spine again. His golden eyes were cold and he seemed to not care about others. The way he stood said he was bored and rather be somewhere else. His tall figure seemed intimidated and scary.

"A-Anyway, I came to ask Kageyama if he wanted to hang out." You said, ignoring Tsukishima and his harsh glare.

"I can't. I'm going to be hanging out with these two today." Kageyama responsed, edging toward Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

"O-Oh...." You said, showing a face of heartbreak. But deep down inside, you knew something was up. Kageyama never hangs out with anyone except if it's yourself or Hinata, or he's being forced to. Yamaguchi was trembling and was constantly looking at the ground. And Tsukishima was staring at you so much it was like his life depended on it. "If that's the case, how about tomorrow?"


Everyone quickly turned their head toward Tsukishima.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"I'm saying he won't be able to hang out with you for the rest of the week. We're going to be busy. Very busy." Tsukishima retorted, stepping toward you and glaring menacingly. He grabbed your arm forcefully and pulled you closer. He leaned in close to your ear and whispered faintly in your ear. "After all, you're mine. And I'll do the same I did to Hinata to you if you don't stay away."

Your e/c eyes widen in anger and fear.

"I-It was killed Hinata-kun." You tried to push him away but he had a strong grip on your arm.

He smirked and laughed lightly. He let you go and turned toward the two boys, who were trembling in fear. As the three walked away, you sprinted home in tears, full of mixed emotions, but mainly...fear.

You had to do something. Anything at this point. Or it will be too late and you'll truly belong to that tall bastard named Tsukishima.

Pathetic: A Yandere! Tsukishima x Reader Love Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now