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Dimitri pov
Yo boy is good I ain't dying no time soon but I got to find out who did this shit before they come back because next time I might not be So lucky but anyways my niggas was in here
"So what's been going on why I been in here" I asked
"Shiddd just trying to find out who did this to you "Quavo said
I nodded
"What's been going on with you and my sister.
asked kiari smirking
"We just be cooling" he said smiling
"He lying he whipped it could be 4:00am and she say I'm hungry or I want this that nigga would get up out his sleep just to get her what she want"kirshnic said
"Shut up" kiari said
The door opened and in walk jayda , Myah and the boys
"Dad" mehki said as he ran to me he jumped on the bed and laid on my chest
"Wassup big brotha" jayda said
I nodded
Everybody was talking except Myah
"Alright we gone" Quavo said
We did our handshake and same with takeoff, Quavo hugged jayda and Myah
"Let me holla at you for a min Jay" kiari said
Jayda walked out with kiari
Leaving me and Myah to talk
"What's been up with you" I asked
"School and talking care of the boys" she said
She don't look the same she look stress
"You okay you don't look like yourself"I said
"Just a lil stress but jayda going to watch the boys for the weekend " she said looking down picking at her nails
I nodded
"I miss you" we both said at the same time
She looked up smiling but then she look back down
"Myah I know I did some fucked up things to you but I just want you to know I love you and I will always love you" I said
I seen the tears roll down her face

She stood up and walk to the bed still looking down
"I forgive you and I'm willing to give you another chance " she said
She lean down kissing me and of course I'm a kiss back
She broke the kiss and stood back up straight wiping her face
Jayda walked back in
"Well me and my nephews got along day a head of us so we need to go" jayda said not taking her eyes of her phone
Myah peck my lips 2more times
"Woah y'all back together" jayda ask looking at us
Myah nodded
"Welp were going to go me and my nephew's got alot to do today" jayda said
I nodded
"Call me" I said looking at Myah
She nodded
She grabbed mehki since he was now sleep and jayda got king
They walked out
Myah pov
The kids already left with jayda she got them for the whole weekend and I'm so glad I could use a break I just got out the bed I had the best nap ever haven't slept like that in a while I haven't talk to Dessi in a while she wasn't at school today so I decided to call her
Calling dessiphoo💕❤
She picked up on the third ring
Me: best friend were have you been
Dessi:I was out of town with Quavo
Me:y'all getting serious?
Dessi: yeah he ask me to be his girlfriend
Me: well what did you say
Dessi:I said yes bit
Me:(laughter) wanna have a me and you day best friend we can get our hair and nails done and go to the mall
Dessi:yes but you driving pick me up in 30 bye love u
Call ended
what am I going to do with her
I put on my black ripped up jeans with my white crop Top and my white with black stripes adidas
I put my hair in a ball since I was getting my hair done I grabbed my phone and keys I went downstairs and headed out the door
Desire pov
Me and Quavious Marshall is official so fuck what everybody else is talking about but I was sitting in my living room waiting on Myah
Incoming call DaddyHuncho💕
I answered of course
Quavo: wassup
Quavo: what you getting into today
Me: having a girls day with Myah what are you doing today
Quavo: I'm a be at the trap all day We trying to figure out who shot Rich
Me:Quav please don't Do nothing stupid alright
Quavo: what you mean I gotta do what I gotta do
Me:I will talk to you later
Quavo: you mad now
I just hung up
Don't get me wrong mitri is like a big brother and I want who ever shot him to suffer but I don't want Quavo to get hurt while trying to find out who did it
I got up going to the long mirror in my room to take some pictures cause I thought I was cute

Myah povThe kids already left with jayda she got them for the whole weekend and I'm so glad I could use a break I just got out the bed I had the best nap ever haven't slept like that in a while I haven't talk to Dessi in a while she wasn't at scho...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I caption it "Everytime I look in the mirror I see why they so pressed💖"
I posted it on Instagram automatically getting likes and comments
I heard a horn beep so I ran to the front door walking out and locking the door in the process I walked to Myah car and got in
"Wassup hoe" Myah said
"Hey bit"
She pulled out my drive way and sped off down the road

She Got ItHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin