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A/N: Guess who's back? Not shady, just me. Comment if you enjoy it :))))

Summary: It's all fun and games being a kindergarten teacher until you start becoming a Nanny too.

Warnings: Super long

"Y/N!" Noah squeals as he runs over to you. Jumping into your arms as you put your bags down.

"Hey, bud. Dad drop you off early again?" He nodded, his brown eyes slightly glazed with sadness but you decide to ignore it. "What do you want to play today?" You ask the three-year-old, resting him on your waist as you put your bags into a cubby where the children can't get into them. While you put his bag in a lower one with his name on it.

Being a pre-school teacher seemed hard at first but you got used to it and gained a lot of patience. It slowly became easier and you loved the children, suddenly hoping to have some of your own one days, even though that time seemed many years from now. Noah had been your favorite and the same feeling was exchanged from when the two of you met.

You'd never met his parents but apparently, they're very busy people. His dad usually drops him off early in the morning, way before you get there. The only person who's actually seen one of his parents is your best friend and workmate, Ella. She has children of her own and always comes early with them so she can go home earlier to put them to bed. She says he's a nice guy but is always is in a rush to get to work.

Noah thinks for a moment, placing his finger on his chin for extra thought before saying, "Knights!" You roll your eyes due to him choosing the same game every day.

"Okay then Noah The Noble. What prize are we finding today?" You say putting him down and getting on your hands and knees.

"We're saving Princess Ella!" He yells thrusting his hand up in the air as if he had a sword.

"From who?" You ask as he clambers onto your back.

"The bad guy!" He replies in a 'duh' tone. You laugh, doing your best neigh and start crawling cross the floor. Going around the tables and chairs lying around the room.

"Can I play?" Ella's five-year-old daughter, Rose, asks stopping the two of you from your quest.

"If you play the bed guy!"

"The bed guy?" You laugh at Noah's mispronunciation.

"Bad guy!" He corrects himself, practically hearing him scrunching his face up in disgust.

"Can I be the princess?" She asks swaying her hips from side to side nervously.

"No!" Noah shouts hopping off your back.

"Do you want to be Princess Bad Guy?" You ask standing up so you're still on your knees but at the two children's height.

"That doesn't make sense." Ella laughs, taking a seat several metres in front of us, bottle feeding one of the babies that has also arrived early.

"No. I want to be the princess!" Rose scowls, stomping as she crosses her arms.

"Do you want me to be the bad guy?" You ask looking at Noah.

"Yeah! You be the bad guy." He giggles while pointing a finger at you, poking you in the chest.

"Alright then, I'll be the bad guy, Ella will be the horse once she's done and Rose will be the princess." You say standing up and heading to the dress-up box to put some sort of mask on. The only one you could find was the Darth Vader one so you just went with it.

"Over there!" Noah shouts pointing to you.

"You shall never catch me." You reply, putting on your best evil voice and cackling evilly at the end.

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