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The little house was flowing with evil! When the FBIn uut up at our house they gave us guns so we can protect ourselves. Yet it was two vs. one! You and Dad ran inside and hold our guns with two hands. You go all over the house until the only place to check was the basement... The cold hard abusive basement! You both go downstairs to see Derk sitting in a chair thinking! He turns the chair around to You both pointing guns at him.

He looks at You both. He smirks "Hahaha Ya see you see you didn't just kill SOME evil... You killed NO evil-" "Derk you know we Kil o.k.l Yandere... she didn't kill anybody but my dads fans!" "Wait wait wait wait WAIT!!! She killed some of my fans!?!" "Yes..." "Oh...My...." "Hehehe what a reaction!" "Derk!" "Anyway! You didn't just kill evil-" "Not kill!" "-Lock up evil! You locked up MY girlfriend!" "... WAIT so Yuki wasn't your girlfriend!?" "Oh she was I just played her! That's evil!" "Where's Ally!?" "You'll never find her!" "We will..." The FBI came "Whoa FBI?!" "Yes... It was needed!" You looked all over the property and didn't find her for an hour! It was THAT worth it!

The FBI gave up! You look up at Sam "Dad! The only place we didn't look was the shed!" "Your right!" We ran to the shed! It was locked! "DAD!" "... Derk had a key... right!?" "I think..." You walk into the house and towards handcuffed Derk and grabbed the key "THAT'S MINE!!!" "Shut it Derk!" You get back to the shed and open it with keys Derk had it opened up the huge door. The lights were off "Help me!?" You heard. You turn on the light "ALLY!?" "(Y/N)!" You hug her! "I heard You caught Yandere!" "Oh not just me! The FBI helped and my DAD did! :)"

You found Ally and You were found! Taurtis and Grian were happy to see You and Dad acted Criminal Minds out! Ally was still in shock but since Your scared emotion is gone You were more protective of Yourself! Dad knew Yuki broke up with Derk cuz... what happened... Anyway! Everything turned out GREAT!!!! Yandere and Derk were arrested! Thanks Guys! :)

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