1: The meet up

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Michael's POV

"It's most likely she won't make the night. You could stay with her as longs as you need to." The doctor said.

My eyes still red and puffy. Tear stains covering my cheeks. And my shaky legs is all that i feel right now.

I went into her room, and saw her face scared and she also had red puffy eyes. I walked closer to her and evrytime I do, i feel that once i'm right there, she will be gone and to never be mine again.

Once i was right next to her, she opened her arms for a hug. I accepteced it and thinking this might be my last hug.

"Michael," she started with tears, "I don't want you to cry over me. But I don't want you to forget me. Please promise me tht I will always be on your mind and that never love a girl as you did to me. I want you to live as the happy boy you are and get succseful with your band. Please, love anyone but me. Please."

Without thinking I nodded. "I love you, Lavender."

~1 month later~

It's been a while since Lavender. I miss her, but I can't hold on to the past. But I can't let go so easily.

But I did keep her promise, to be the happy guy I am. But at night, i cry myself to sleep. I feel like a girl.

I do need to move on, but i'm affraid i might let her go for good. I'm not ready for that.

Not yet.

Jade's POV

"Come on let's go, Jade." Luke rushed.

"I'm coming!" I shouted at him even tho he was right next to me. I just had to put on my shoes. Can't thins guy wait? "What's the rush?"

"Michael is finally is coming back to practice!" He said so happily and excited.

"Who's Michael?" I Ask.

"I will introduce him to you. But come on." He said while going into the car.

The drive there wasn't short. It was like 2 mins. to get here. Why did we take the car if we could have just went walking?

I got out with Luke and he rang the door. Ash opened the door giving Luke a hug then me.

"Follow me." Ash said. We followed him into the garage and saw a guy with blond hair.

"Hey, Luke!" said the blond headed guy.

"Michael! Long time no see!" Luke said. The both ran to each other and hugging a tight hug. Once they let go, Michael looked over at me.

"Who's she?" Michael asked clearly confused. He sounded kind of rude when he said that, but I don't mind, really.

"Oh, she's my friend, Jade. And, Jade, this is Michael." Luke introduced us. Michael just looked over at me with a little glare then fixed his guitar. I just rolled my eyes and sat on the couch that was in there.

"Why is she here?" Michael asked Luke not really caring if I heard.

"Her dad is always drunk and her mom killed her self. So she stays with me." Luke said.

"Wow. Thanks, Luke. Thanks for summarizing my home problems to a guy who I don't know.

"I just wanted to know why you are here. So calm your ass down." Michael barked at me.

"Um, sorry was I talking to you?" I said with a smile.

"You are now." Michael pointed out.

"Thanks for pointing out something that i am completly aware of. Now let me point out something. You're like this because someone you love died or you are like this. Cuz' a minute ago you smeed all happy till' you saw me." I explained.

" Don't start saying crap that you don't know." Michael snaped. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. "What's so funny?" Michael said getting even more mad than he already was.

"The way you act." I said calming down. "Hey, Luke, i'm going somewhere else other than here. see ya back at the house." I waved goodbye and he called after me but i kept walking.

When I opened the door, Calum was right there.

"Oh hey. Do you know why Michael is an ass?" I ask Calum.

Calum widen his eyes and spoke, "What? He isn't like this- oh ok now I know. Um, I will tell you later."

I nodded and walked out. I wonder if michael will text me. While i was walking out, I put my number in his guitar case.

~3 hours later~

I was on my bed just looking threw my Insta. After a while, I got a text from Calum.

eey . meet me at teh music stor . if u stil want 2 no y mickey was like dat .

I replied ok and left with the things I had on before.

~music store~

As I walked in, I saw Calum first. I walked over to him looking at different albums with Calum.

"So, start talking." I said. I don't know why i'm so curouis. But I just am.

"Ok, Michael had a girlfriend, Lavender. They dated for so long they wanted to spen their whole lives together. They did evrey single thing together. They were a cute couple. They were on a date one time. Michael was driving to her house to drop her iff from a long night. On the way to her house, they ran into a drunk driver. The thing is, it hit the side, the side that Lavender was sitting, but Michael didn't get hurt that bad compared to her. Michael got healed after a week while lavender was still in a comma. The day she woke up, she started to have a really bad asthma since one lung had to get removed, so she couldn't breath. The doctors did evrything they could, but she only had one more night to live then she would be gone. So she died in Michaels arms while they were hugging. Michael didn't want to let go becasue he thought he would leave part of his life behind. Michael made a prmise to her. To only love her and no other girl. He kept it. He thought if he avoided everygirl, that he wouldn't have to fall in love again. And he wouldn't break her promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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