An Accident at the Void Deck

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  The evening sun beckoned me home after an inspiring yet tedious session in school. I trudged home from the bus stop in a snail-like pace as beads of perspiration trickled down my forehead. After what seemed like eons, I finally reached my block's void deck.

A group of teenage boys were playing soccer there although there was a sign on the wall not to play soccer at the void deck. I decided to just mind my own business as I did not want to interfere with anyone.

I looked down as I turned on my phone to text my friend. "Watch out!" I heard someone scream. Before I could react, a soccer ball smacked my forehead and I fell to the ground. Blood oozed out of my head profusely as I whined in anguish. The group of boys crowded around me with panic-stricken faces. In the midst of the commotion that ensued, I blacked out.

When I awoke, I found myself lying on a bed in the nearby hospital. My family members were standing around me with worry written all over their faces. I tried to recall what happened after I fell to the ground but nothing came to my mind. I asked my mother about it.

She told me I had lost consciousness. Then she explained to me that our neighbour, Mr Tan, had seen a group of boys run away and sensing that there was something fishy about it, he had hurried to the place, where the boys had ran away from, to discover me lying on the floor with a fresh wound on my forehead. He immediately called the ambulance and brought me to the hospital. He had also informed my mother about the incident. I muttered a silent thank you in my heart. If he had not been there, who knows what could have happened to me.

At the same time, I felt like a volcano about to erupt. How could the boys be so irresponsible? They were in the wrong and yet they did not help me!

I was at the hospital for another 3 days before being discharged. It was indeed an indelible incident.

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