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Lucy POV

"W-WHAT?!?" I yell

"You herd me. Strip, or I'll strip you" he says like this is a normal thing for him.

"Why the hell-"
"Oh c'mon Luce, I know you want me..."

He says hotly in my ear. I honestly don't know what's going on right now. I'm so confused.

"I promise you'll have a good time, I'll do you whenever and wherever Luce"

"My names Lucy not Luce"
I say kinda annoyed. Still trying to be nice to this guy.

"Luce is better" he says as his hand travels down my butt and squeezes it.

That's when I snap

"What the hell is wrong with you pervert!?!?! I just meet you today and to want me to strip in front of you?!? Like hell!! Go find one of you stupid fan girls to bang!!"

I yell and start walking towards the door. I look back the he looks confused, I bet he thought I was gonna say 'ok! I'll do anything for you Natsu-sama!' Like one of his fan girls. I inwardly think as I unlock the door and make my way back to class. Now Dying from hunger.

Natsu POV

I kinda get pissed. . And don't know why, I mean,she was right. I can always get another girl. But she has gotten my attention, so my next target is none other that Luigi Hartfilia. I hope she's ready for what I got in store. Now that I think about it, the next class is 4th period, so we're in the same class right now. So I better hurry before somebody sits next to her. I say running out of the classroom.

Lucy POV

I get to my next class, Science. I'm the only one here so far, so I can pick a seat I want. I choose the one in the very back on the left side, theirs a window right next to me so I can see the amazing view from up here! Science Is very easy for me so I never really worry when the time comes. Their are two chairs per desk so I guess their will be partners in this class. I was home schooled before I came to this school. So I never really worked in partners, I didn't help that my teacher gave me 6th grade work when I was in 4th grade.... But it really helped me though I get straight A's now!

I get pulled out of my thoughts when an unfamiliar voice asks me...

"Hello, is this spot taken?" 
I look up to see a beautiful red headed girl with one of the student counsel members uniforms
(I know that by looking up somethings about this school before I came)

"O-oh. Ummm Y-Yes there's no one sitting here" I say

"Then may i sit here?"

"O-of course!"

She sits down and smiles at me. I then realize I've been staring. So I quickly look away.

"Your new here right? I was not informed that a new student was arriving until I here's rumors around school that a 'hot' blond girl was here. At least that's what I have herd."

"Y-yes ma'am! My names Lucy Hartfilia!"

"Erza Scarlet"
We start talking for a while to get to know eachother better. We have some things in common. But she can be scary too, when I mentioned Natsu she started to growl. Then I started to talk about what happened in the abandoned classroom......Big mistake......because out of nowhere she pulled out a knife and smashed it against the desk! That was supper scary.

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