Chapter one

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POV: Jessica

I woke up to my brother's radio on full blast playing Asking Alexandria.

I'm guessing our parents already left for work. I got up and went to the bath room, I got dressed.

We were leaving for the ski lodge this morning, I had packed the night before so i didn't have to rush. Although, I couldn't say the same for my brother Eric. 

"Shit..." He murmured looking at the open hallway closet.

"What?" I ask walking by.

"I can't find my heavy coat."

"Didn't you find that last night."

"Well does it look like it, if I'm looking for it now." 

"Well 'sorrry' how about you go look in your closet, instead of the one we use for towels."

"Ughhhhhh." He slammed the door and walked to his room. 

I walked in to our small kitchen and poured me a bowl of 'Trixx'. By the time I was finished Eric just came down with all his crap. 

"Ready?" He asked laughing.

"Hell yeah!" I ran to the car. This was gonna be epic.

POV: Jammie

My alarm blared and i dragged myself to the bathroom to take a shower, and got dressed, trying not to mess up my hair.

Everyone was already dresses, yelling and rushing. This was gonna be a long vacation, my mom along with her new boyfriend, my two little sisters all in a cabin. Not my idea of fun time.

"Honey , can you help me for a second." My mom said from upstairs.

"What do you need?"

"Hold this so it wont fall..." She was at a closet holding a bunch of blankets up, on the top shelf.

I reached up and held it so she could grab whatever she needed, then we closed the door and there was my mom's boyfriend standing there looking at her with a creepy look on his face. He grabbed her, spun her around, and kissed her.

"Ewwwwwwwww." I yell turning and run down stairs. 

They were still laughing by the time everyone got downstairs 15 mins later. I put in my head phones turned my music up loud, ready to go.

We got to the cabin we were staying at, and started to unpack. My phone had no signal, everywhere i tried i couldn't get one single bar. It was pointless, i couldn't get a signal there, so i told my mom i was gonna go walking and went up to the snow hills. I still didn't have a signal, this place was like a dead zone! I saw a tree and climbed it, stood up, and tried to find any sign of signal. I heard someone laughing and looked down. 

"That will never work..." A girl with short black hair was looking at me with a stupid smile of her face.

"How do you know. Have you tried?" I ask, my voice harsher than intended. 

"Actually, yes. Once I got here, that same exact tree too. Just warning you, Don't waste your time." She started walking away.

"Oh, ummmm thanks, i guess." I started climbing down the tree. 

Once i finally got down, she was already gone. Weird chick, oh well. I've got bigger problems on my hand. Now i had no phone. And I was supposed to call Jason once i got here.... "Ugh!" I yell. What was i supposed to do now?!

I walked to the ski lodge cafe and sat there for a while...

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