Chapter 1: Welcome to Durvey

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Honestly, I'm absolutely done with everyone and everything. I want to fall off the face of the earth. I'm not suicidal or anything, just cynical. In the last year I've lived in three countries, gone to four different high schools, and thought about booking it to California every damn day. Now I'm here , and I'm more bugged out then ever. This school is real trash. I'm really just disgusted
by how gross the people here are. There's these jocks that look like they only shower in sweat , some burn outs that live in the cloud, and some religious cult looking girls that all dress the same , walk the same. And that's all I've seen after being here for fifteen minutes. It's rad. I'm really thinking about dumping this hell hole and walking right out , but then I get tapped on the shoulder.
" You're a new bunny , aye?"
What can I say , demeaning guys live for me.
"Buzz off , imbecile."
" Awe cmon lady , you look like you'd be into me."
He winked and I could have sworn I saw some dust fall onto his shoulder from the ceiling. Yuck.
I tried to turn away , but he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around,and I yelped.
" Leave her alone Mahoney !"
A guy ran towards me, dark hair falling into his face , his leather jacket catching the wind. Mahoney immediately backed away and jogged off.
"Jeez, I'm sorry, he thinks he's cool and all but he's really just a bully that one."
I looked up at him , and took a step back. He was so close I could see the details in his eyes. Gosh were they pretty..
" Oh damn , sorry I'm Richie! I guess I was standing a little close. But hey , welcome to Durvey."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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