Chapter 22 - The Machine Room

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Not for the first time, Rich headed out of the Farabi Rooms wishing he had just got it over with and flattened Aarzam. He had changed back into his school uniform at double speed so that he could get out before the rest of the boys and avoid their questions. He wanted to get back to his room and have some time alone to calm himself down before heading to the dinner hall, but he opened the door to find Bertie listening to loud music as he got ready for his afternoon activity.

The sound of a military marching band pumped out of the speakers and, with his back to the door, Bertie whistled along as he polished his cadet boots. Rich's bad temper lifted as Bertie turned and cracked out a super-smart salute.

'Morning, sir, permission to carry on, sir, please?'

Rich didn't really have a clue what he was supposed to say.

'Erm, permission granted?'

'Carry on!' called Bertie as he dived back into his polishing.

'I didn't know you were in the cadets,' Rich said with a grin.

'It's my first parade,' Bertie replied. 'I put it off for a year, but there comes a time in a chap's life when he must be part of something bigger than himself.'

Bertie looked up at a Rich hopefully.

'Oh yes, I agree,' he nodded along enthusiastically.

'Course, I'd ask you to sign up as well but I know how hard those swarthy Farabis make you work,' Bertie remarked as he pulled on his boots and laced them up tight. Rich knew Bertie was right, but he was still intrigued by the prospect.

'What kind of things do you get up to in the cadets?' he asked.

'Well, I'm not that sure really, but I saw them about last year and it just looks like a lot of stamping and shouting.'

With that, Bertie ripped out another salute then started marching along to the music.

Rich chucked his satchel on the bed and asked if Bertie was going down for lunch.

'Lunch?' Bertie exclaimed. 'Typical civilian, thinking with his stomach all the time. There's no time for lunch, first parade is at fourteen hundred hours.'

Rich checked the clock. 'But it's just gone twelve, Bertie.'

'Christ, I best be off,' he replied, without making any attempt to leave.

'What are you going to do for the next two hours?' asked Rich, who was equally puzzled as he was amused.

'Well, Rich, my boy,' said Bertie, checking himself in the mirror. 'I think you'll agree I look rather smart in my new uniform. The ladies of Harrow cannot be denied the opportunity to witness such a fine figure of a man.'

He cracked his most winning smile as he pulled on a big floppy beret. 'I'm off down the hill to give 'em a thrill!'

Still in time with the music, Bertie turned smartly on his heel and marched out of the open door.

As ever, Rich's encounter with Bertie had lifted his spirits considerably. So, after lunch, he headed back to the Farabi Rooms in a much better mood.


The boys were sitting at the stone table while they waited for everyone to arrive. Aarzam was not in his usual spot and Mr Abdullah was running uncharacteristically late, but, as the boys started to wonder if they should uncover the spiral staircase, the great slate tabletop started to move as it was opened up from the inside. The boys all jumped to their feet to make space for the enormous stone slab as Aarzam appeared from under it.

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