1. June 2th 2009

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Hi everyone!
Thank you for reading my first phanfic! I just want to say that this is very accurate to how things really happened. As accurate as I can find out online, with a fictional backstory. So when I write that a tweet was send that day, or a video was posted, I make sure that tweet was really send that day, and the video I say that was posted, was really posted. Of course this takes a lot of time in research, so I will try to update regurarly, but I can't promise every day updates! I hope you enjoy it! And if you find any grammar mistakes: I'm not a native English speaker so please tell me so I can correct it! Have fun reading! (^-^)

'POKÉMON! GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL! I KNOW IT'S MY DESTINY! POKÉMON! OH, YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND, IN A WORLD WE MUST DEFEND!' The Pokémon theme song is blasting at full volume out of the speakers of my laptop.

Whilst staring at the screen, a smile creeps on my face. Anthony and Ian are on the screen lip-syncing along to the song that has been a huge part of my childhood (and to be honest, still is a huge part of my life, I mean: Pokémon...).

I was this close to making a Smosh shrine out of all my merch, but thought that would probably be a fire hazard to the house and since I would most definitely knock it over because I tripped over it or just fell face-forward onto it, so decided against that idea.

'POKÉMON!' As I blast the last word along with them I looked at the videos next to it to see if there were any good recommendations for me to watch next. Of course my recommendation videos mostly exist out of Smosh, Paperlilies, charlieissocoollike and ...

An unfamiliar face suddenly catches my eye.  A boy with similar hair to Anthony, but longer and darker, and a red shirt appears on the thumbnail underneath the new Paperlilies video. I click on it without thinking about it, and his voices fills my room.

'Hi guys, sorry it has been eighteen years since I made video, unfortunately I got kidnapped.' There is a jump cut to the guy's  (probably named Phil, getting from his username) hands has been tied together and an evil furby appears on the screen (is there even a difference between an evil furby and a 'normal' furby? Aren't all furby's evil?).

Immediately a smile appears on my face and I pause the video to take is what's in front of me on my laptop screen. The boy with a white face, black fringe and a lion plushy on his shoulder stares with his blue eyes to the camera. I try to remember if I saw him before, but it's no use, because I know that if I'd ever saw him before I know I would've had remembered.

I click on the play button and I hear his voice again, saying that he was busy making snow. I have no idea why he was trying to make snow in the middle of June, but well, he seems like the guy that doesn't care about that. He just wants to have a good time being his, weird, humorous self.

The video is over before I know it and I immediately click on his next video, my eyes never leaving the screen. The video starts playing, named AmazingJason. My mind automatically wonders who Jason is, so I continue watching. A smile appears on my face again before I even realize it, laughing at his jokes, at the things the lion plushy says and the funny stories he tells.

'So... Bye!' A last, radiating smile appears on the screen and the guy in the blue stripes disappears. I want to know more about him, he seems like a cool guy. I want to click on the next video because I want to laugh again, but see he hasn't uploaded any new videos since this one. Then I'll have to do with some old videos of him for now, and judging by his videos I've seen till now, that won't really be a punishment.

I go to his account, because now I'm curious to see what his first video is. A gray wallpaper with light gray stars pops up on the screen. Again, a lion is in the corner. I wonder if this guy, Phil, has some sort of weird lion fetish or something. I can emotionally connect with the darkness of the colors of choice (even though for me I would've gone for something darker, or maybe brown), but he still deserves some points for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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