6 days

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Its only 6 fucking days til i go meet Area 11, i'm counting down the time like there is no tomorrow. I mean i hardly do maths or education its all too shit but once it comes to do with something of Area 11 im all for the counting. But i guess that is for pure excitement. Currently i am looking for all my clothes and seeing what i am packing and what im not.

First of all i need my Area 11 top and that is for the meeting of them. I actually can't wait, im like a 5 year old on christmas day, im actually that excited and i cant contain my excitement any longer.  Once i found the top i stuck it in the washer along with all the other clothes i was going to take, it was a large amount but we decided we was going to stay in London for the week so i guess its alright, making a right trip out of this. I have the things we are going to need already, this makes it so much more better as i know its real. But i actually can't believe the fact me and my mates are going to see THE AREA 11! I'm still looking for my suitcase just so i know where it is so i can pack my clothes that is in the wash tomorrow but also so i can pack the items im not going to need and that aren't in the wash, just so it makes my life easier when it comes even more closer because i wont concentrate and knowing my luck im going to forget something really important. Yeah im forgetful like that but who cares it is AREA 11 and when i see Sparkles i will be the happiest person ever


Sorry its short guys i know ive been saying this all the time but i am actually having to deal with things at the moment but as soon as i have everything dealt with i will do a longer and more intresting update just stick with it for 6 more times then it will get better ;)

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