The philosophers stone

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There they were. Harry, Dani, Ron and Hermoine. Down in the dungeons.

"Don't riggle about." Said Hermoine.

"Why," said ron riggling about even more.

"Otherwise it will kill us faster." Said Dani.

"Hurry up hermoine there  must be a spell." Said Harry.

"There is." Said Hermoine thinking.

"C'mon hermoine." Said Ron.

"LUMOS MAXIMA." Yelled Hermoine as jets of light came from her wand.

All four of them fell through.

"Come on this way." Said Harry leading the others to a door. All four of them walked through.

"Keys?" Said Dani confused.

"Look, harry theres a broom." Said Hermoine pointing to an old wooden broomstick.

Harry raced over to it and got on.

"Were looking for a key that is very old. Much like the door." Said Dani.

"Like that one." Said Harry pointing at an old wooden key with a broken wing. He chased after it. All of the keys chased after him. Harry held out his arm trying to reach it. He caught it. He flew down to join the others. They opend the door.

"A chess board" said Harry.

"This isn't any chess board. It's wizards chess." Said  ron running across the board.

"Theres no way out." Said Dani.

"Unless we play." Said Harry.

Every took there places. Ron was in charge.

An: half an hour later.

Ron was on the floor Hermoine by him. They had Won.

Dani and Harry ran over to the next door. They expected to see snape but instead the saw quirrell and the mirror of erised.

"Potter. Come forward." Said Professor quirrell.

Harry stood still. All of a sudden his legs started moving down the steps. Dani was forced to sit down on a step.

"You boy look into the mirror and tell me what you see." Said Quirrell.

Harry looked into the mirror and paused. Dani could see what harry could see. The Philosophers Stone.

"Well boy." Said Quirrell.

"I'm... I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup." Said Harry.

"Lies" said a croakey quiet voice.

"TELL THE TRUTH!" Yelled quirrell.

"What was that whispering?" Asked Dani.

"This." Said quirrell taking off his turban. He reveled another face on the other side of his head. Voldemort.

Dani stood up. Harry looked confused.

"Is that..." began Harry.

"Voldemort." Said Dani. "Great uncle voldemort."

"What, great uncle what?" Asked Harry confused.

"Voldemort it is." Said quirrell.

"Kill them." Said voldemort.

Quirrell flew through air and strangled harry. Harry reaching out for the stone. Quirell started yelping in pain as voldemort left his body. Harry had burned quirells hands. Both of the children fainted with exhaustion.

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