Third Year.

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"I didn't mean to blow her up i just did." Said Harry. The four of them were back on the hogwarts express for another year. Harry was explaining why he blew up his aunt. Ron was sniggering.

"Well i think it's bloody brilliant." Laughed Ron.

"Oh honestly Ron, Harry could have been sent to azkaban for underaged wizardry." Said Hermoine seriously.

"I still think it's brilliant." Said Ron.

The four 13 year olds looked around. They saw a compartment with only one person in it. He seemed to be snoozing.

"Come on everywhere else is full." Said Hermoine.

The four of them enterd the compartment.

"Wonder who he is?" Asked Ron.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Said Hermoine.

"Wait, how come see knows everything." Moaned Ron.

"It's on his suitcase Ronald." Said Dani.

"Oh." Said Ron and he fell silent.

Harry got up and closed the door.

"Theres something i need to tell you." Said Harry. But before he could speak the train stopped.

It was ice cold. Dani could see her breath infront of her. She could feel Harry's hand on hers. The four students looked out of the window. There was an odd cloaked thing standing there. It enterd. Harrys face went all weird. Harry fell on the floor. The man beside harry got up and said a spell. None of them could make out what he was saying. But the thing moved away.


"Are you ok Harry?" Asked Hermoine once Harry was awake, she passed him his galsses and he instantly put them on.

Dani helped him back on his seat .

"W-what was that thing?" Asked Harry.

"Dementor. One of the many gaurds of azkaban. Horrible things. Probably searching the train for sirius black." Said the man passing harry something." Its alright its chocolate."

The man got up to leave.

"Now i am going to have a quick word with the driver. Eat you'll feel better." He said before leaving.

Harry bit into the chocolate. He stared at his friends.

"Did either of you. You know. Faint?" Asked Harry.

"No but i felt weird though. Like i will never be happy again." Said Ron.


"I would like to welcome to hogwarts. Professor Remus Lupin." Said dumbledore. They were all in the great hall.

"Thats the man who gave you the chocolate harry," Dani heard hermoine say from the gryffindor table.

"Potter,potter." Said Draco turning around. "Is it true you fainted. I mean you actually fainted."

"Shove off Malfoy." Hissed Ron.

Dani hit Malfoy gentely in the ribs.

"Ow... what was that for?" Asked draco rubbing his side in pain.

"Leave Harry alone." Said Dani.

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