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FINALLY! -.- guess where I am, no other than the academy's main building's left wing 5ft floor. I spent almost an hour at the ground floor of the left wing just to have a lift. ghaad it was so crowded in there, even though the left wing have five elevators its still not enough for hundreds of students attending this school.

The hallway is packed up today unlike yesterday when we go here. There's a lot of people chitchatting, laughing and etc. At the first look of it I thought that this is an ordinary school but then realization strikes me, this isn't-.-

I keep walking until Im finally at the doorway of my new classroom. I was about to open it when someone "accidentally" --well note the sarcasm --pushed me to slide the sliding door first so eventually I was stunned.

Before that someone enter the classroom I saw that, that someone is a he-.- and he doesn't have manners I may say. After he entered, bunch of guys followed him and they closed the door -.-, jerks-.- they didn't saw me? seriously?.

so I opened the sliding door and I was shocked with the sight that welcomes me. A making out couple, people playing darts using daggers, people laughing loudly and people chitchatting. In short the classroom is in a chaotic state. When I finally step in, akward silence filled the atmosphere to the point my footsteps are the only audible. Like seriously? Is it their first time to see a human being?-.-

I continue walking, seaching for a seat. After I found a comfortable seat which is near the window the atmosphere suddenly changed back to normal.

I was looking outside when I suddenly feel the change of air near me so I guess there's someone or something coming towards me. And I am right I saw in my peripheral view that a daggers coming to me so I immediately dodge it I balanced myself not to fall from behind. It would be painful.

When the dagger finally hit the wall I glare at the group of people that I knew who threw the dagger and they simply laugh -.-

"Good morning Stef!" someone greet and hugged me, and I already know who she is -.-

"yeah Rhee" I just said back with my poker face

"are you okay?, you look bored"

"yeah, Im bored" I said in a poker face

"hey, don't bother her Rhee, can't you see that she doens't want to talk to you *grin*"

"yeaah! you're right!, how does you know that she doesn't want to talk to me?" Rhee asked Mir. They're talking about me as if Im not here

"well, ya know Rhee, she can relate to someone like her" Jacy said

"what are you trying to say!? I'm not like her! Im better!" Mir said

"said who?" Jacy said, pissing Miranda off, and they start quarreling, Mir is so easy to pissed off.

I just watched them in silence and allowing my mind to drift away, thinking nothing.

"Halt!" My daydreaming stop because of the remark of someone. I noticed that everyone frozes in their position and immediately throw their weapons towards the------teacher?

I just watched her moved, she's like dancing in an inaudible sonata

after some time they stop and they stand and bow and greet the teacher ---its all synchronize

"Buongiorno!" they all greeted

" Sì. Buongiorno!" the teacher said and she started to scan the room and then, yeah apparently she saw me

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