GONE TOO FAR GIRL¬A Mindless Behaviour story

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Chapter 1

Quinton's P.O.V

"I can't wait!" says Lisa for the twelfth time. We are on our way to go see in live the one and only (trust me on that fact) Mindless Behaviour. Yeah, they are pretty cool but thing is i'm just a fan (sort of). But Lisa, I can tell you, is a HUGE fan. They (mindless behaviour) now know her by name and number. She has been on their tour bus for three days, stayed with them in their hotel room for a whole week, worn their clothes, ate their food, called them, texted them, got blocked by them... and the list goes on. My super crazy cousin is a super crazy stalker. She knows what they are doing, where they are going every single day, hour, minute, second, microsecond.... and I am not over exaggerating.

Lisa - imagine stretching out your hand to them as your fingers tangle with theirs and then they pull you up on stage, sing to you, hold you so close......(GCO) [GETS CUT OFF]

Quinton - Lisa, something like that has happened to you, hasn't it(smirks)

Lisa - yeeaahh but it was by force, less romantic, you know?

Quinton - (-_-)

Lisa - yes, 'cause they were sending me out and the security guards had to take me out, tots unfair!

Quinton - tots fair, you deserved it

Lisa - so much for calling you my 'best friend'!

Quinton - yeah I know ryt? (^_^)

Lisa - Fine, but the day Roc Royal calls me 'babe', I hope he does infront of you and I will say "in your face!"

Quinton - waiting for that day (imitating Lisa's squeaky voice)

We finally get to Nokia theatre. Yep, it is packed. I do not know what these girls see in these boys!! I only came 'cause I was bored and alone at home so I thought why not come here instead?

Patiently waiting in the line to get our tickets stamped, Lisa becomes agitated so she takes my hand and pulls us to the front. We get our tickets stamped and go in. It was barely full so Lisa runs to the front and I say i'll stay somewhere in the middle.

girls start piling in. It starts getting noisy as more excited girls get in. as soon as there was no more space left in the theatre, the concert starts. Their entrance song was 'Girls talkn' 'bout'" and as Aexpected, girls were screaming. If only the girls knew the surprise they had planned for their fans!

As the concert is going on, I notice some people with the same t-shirts picking girls out of the crowd then the same girls appear on the stage with one of the guys singing 'MY GIRL' to each of them. some girls couldn't stop smiling, laughing, screaming or crying. Some of them were even fainting. I was laughing the whole time. theeen DUN DUN DUN I get picked.

I was led backstage then some woman asks me which one out of all them is my favourite. I don't have a favourite but I pick Ray. Then I am told to go sit on a stool in the middle of the stage. After I do so, Ray comes out and starts to sing to me. He circles me, trying to 'meet my gaze,' but I am just blankly smiling at the dude. He seems a little frustrated so he hold  my chin and turns my head to him and smiles. Only now do I realise that he has beautiful eyes. That is when I get lost in his gaze. Hypnotised, I stare and smile, I bet looking goofy at it! when he stops singing, I realise that i'm on stage, tonnes of girls screaming, but Lisa staring with her mouth open. After some time, it gets awkward on stage.

Ray - hi, i'm Ray(lifts his hand to shake Quint's)

Quinton - I'm pretty sure you know I know that (shakes his hand)

(Then she was given a small microphone that you put on your head, idk what it's called!) Then whilst everyone can hear them, ray says

Ray - So you know me, but I don't know you, what's your name?

Quinton - i'm Quinton (:$)

Ray - Wow, I like your name. so Quinton, I have some questions for you.

I look ahead of Ray and Prodigy, Roc and Princeton are complaining, and some other girls waiting at the other side of the stage. ray throws his hand at them.

Ray - so, am I your favourite in the group?

Quinton - umm....

Girls start screaming.

Quinton - well, thing is I don't have a favourite. All of you are equally AMAZING!

The crowd starts cheering.

Ray - so are you a huge fan?

Quinton - umm, i'm just a fan

Ray - oh? so if you were given the opportunity to date any one of us, who would it be?

Quinton - (O_O)

Ray - don't give me that look, just answer the question.

Quinton - uh... you

Ray - (looking surprised) me? why?

Quinton - because(stretches the 'because') you seem funny, and sweet, and outgoing, and cool, and...you lighten up the mood all the time.

crowd is going WILD

Ray - girl you gonna make me guy-blush. Now, answer me honestly. Have you ever dreamt of me as your boyfriend? (smirks)

crowd is going crazy.

Quinton - I forgot to mention that your mean Ray

some people laugh, others 'boo' her.

Ray - (laughs) why?

Quinton - 'cause your bombarding me with all these questions!

Ray - okay! fans! do you like me bombarding this chick right here with questions?

Crowd - YEEES!!!

Ray - should I keep going? 

Crowd - YEAH!!!!

Ray - you heard 'em. now answer my question :)

Quinton - yes :$

crowd is screaming.

Ray - two more questions. Where do you live? I wanna visit you everyday.

Quinton - Ray no! (she tries shouting over the ecstatic crowd)


Quinton - no, but.....(crowd starts booing and she starts singing) She like the way I lean, you know I gotta do it, shawty she's so fine, man my game is stupid, stupid, stupid, dj run that music, I can read her mind, she's about to lose it!

The crowd is going crazy. The rest of the guys come out and start singing the song. I am just dancing and laughing on the stage and having the best night of my life. I look at Lisa and she is cheering like mad. I know these guys dislike her but I give her my hand.  She holds it and I pull her up. I ain't gonna have fun without my cousin! we both be acting stupid on the stage but I don't care! Lisa be smiling at the guys but they pretend like she ain't even there and guess what? She don't care! In the middle of the song, Ray kissed me on the cheek. OMW, did that just happen?! :D

As for the waiting girls, well, they had to go back to their seats :(


Sorry for the boringness of the story (if that's a word!) but this is most probably the most boring chapter in the whole book, so again i'm sorry :'(

(this message only goes to people reading this story, my point is, if there are any people reading this book!!!! [this chapter is so boring I fell asleep just typing it!])


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