Love hurts

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You woke up feeling a little weak... you went downstairs to check out the sanses... and wonder if the papyruses are back..
"Morning..." you said suddenly you noticed a dog
"Mornin' kiddo" sans said
"Goodmorning human!" Blueberry said... his at the kitchen.. fell is asleep at the couch
"Umm hey is that ours?" You said while looking at the dog
"Yup" sans said
"I Love dogs! Thanks sanses! Now if you excuse me.. imma go to my room and plah with this puppy" you said excitedly
"Heh.. back to sleep for me.." sans said while sleeping at the couch with fell

3 hours later..... (i dont like lemons..)

The dog was tired so you let it rest.. suddenly you heard a moan... you went downstairs.. you saw the sanses except blueberry is missing
"Guys wheres blueberry?" You said to sans.. fell was still asleep
"Upstairs with fell pap, why you ask kid?" Sans said
"I heard a loud moan comming from blueberrys room... lets check it out.." you said.. sans simply nodded.. you and sans went upstairs.. you and sans stayed for a while at the door... just to be sure if you two are doing the right thing
"Im sure everything is fin-" sans said while openning the door... fell pap and blueberry were (insert lemon for papy and blueberry)...
(Me: hahaha what do you think? I wont do lemons baka aishi!)
"Oh my... what the....fell... you disgust me.... it doesnt matter... blueberry you ok?" You said while blueberry seemed traumatized.. his eyes are blank like yours... his drolling and crying a bit.. he breathing is heavy... suddenly blueberry holded your pants/skirt/jeans...
"Huh? What you doing?" You said but blueberry is grabbing it down.. goodthing sans used magic to separate you from blueberry
"Thanks sans" you said
"No problem kiddo" sans said with a death glare at fell papyrus.. you,fell pap, and sans went outside of blueberrys room and locking it tight
"What the heck you doing?! You gay!?" You said loudly..
"The great papyrus doesnt regret it!" Fell pap said.. sans eyes glowed more darker than before
"Sans... send him away...and .... ill just go to my room..." you said ..while looking sad... you went to your room... and regret everything..... crying and hurted...  your soul is a bit cracked...  you just stayed to your room and never ever came out...

1 week later

Sans POV

The kid stayed to her room since forever... she hasnt eat.... since the accident... blueberry is kinda fine but his a bit traumatized.... well i need the kid to leave her room..

Your POV

You stayed at you room suddenly you heard a knock

"Go away... just leave me alone.... just leave me besides this is my fault that i didnt check blueberry..." you said while crying...
"No kiddo you nee-" sans said but you cutted him off
"I know you want to help me but... please just give me 1 month..." you said.. sans is kinda sad.

Sans POV

The kid didnt came out of her room... i guess i need to make a plan...hmm i had an idea! I went downstairs... there was blueberry and fell
"Do you guys wanna see y/n?" I said to them... they simply nodded
"How besides its pointless i tried begging and saying sorry to her its kinda pointless.." fell said
"We can shrink ourselves.. and then we became her dolls for a while! Thats a great idea!" Blueberry said
Suddenly blueberry was carrying a shrinking ray... he might took it from y/n...
"Be carefull but first lets go upstairs.. and then shrink ourselves" i said.. me and the sanses went upstairs... we heard y/n saying some words... we listened a little
"Heh... i guess i need to.. no... just no... they might just... nevermind..." y/n said
She seems paranoid by something... we knocked and shrinked ourselves

Your POV

You heared knocking.. you opened the door it was a sans doll... it was kinda cute so you carried it inside of your room.. theyre seemed entertain you somehow... you talked to them even they wont speak
"Heh... i guess you guys are pretty happy downstairs.... i want to go down but i need to stop myself... its just blueberry is traumatized because of me... i mean yeah fell pap caused it.. but why didnt i checked him.. heh talking to a doll might be creepy but atleast i have something to talk with... like what i said.. im blank and made of sadness.. my smile is fake even my laugh... im just emotionless... ill just-Huh?" You said suddenly the dolls turned into real sanses..
"Oh my gosh.... " you said looking shocked
"Heh.. hey kid?" Sans said
"Sup brat.." fell said
"Hey human.. heh.. heh... heh?" Blueberry said
"Get out of my room lea-what the" you said but suddenly blueberry carried you bridal style and went out of the room...
"Put me down!" You said but blueberry ignored you...
"Im fine see! Im definitely fine! The sansational sans is feeling great!" Blueberry said while putting you down the chair..
"You srs?" You said
"Besides your unhappy so im making you happy!" Blueberry said
"Im happy" you said
"No your not" the sanses said
"Oh eye contact... welp im closing my eyes for now on..." you said while closing your eyes a bit so you can see..
"Yeah yeah but first EAT" the sanses said but you kept your mouth shut..
"In your wildest dream" you said but the sanses are holding spoon ready to feed you
"But i got your favorite its (insert favorite food)" fell said
"Umm.. ill feed my own i have hands.." you said
"Nope. The sanses will feed you" blueberry said
"But i can-muff" you said but blueberry feeded you already..
"It actualy taste good." You said while chewing it
"Ill eat it on my on... so can i eat myself?" You said
"No." Fell said
"Fine" you said while opening your mouth again since your hungry as heck.. after eating it all they didnt released you still
"Now if you excuse me i wanna go to my room" you said
"Nope.." sans said
"Oh cmon what is it now?" You said
"Youre sleeping with us" fell said
"In your wildest dream! Im going to hawaii and buy merchandises! See you!" You said while you ran away but they used magic..
"Never kiddo" sans said
"Oh really you forgot.. i had a date with someone today... so i really need to go" you said... it was a lie but you wanna tease them..
"Whos the boy?!" Sans thinked a boy that bullied you for a long time.. it was adrew
"Adrew" you said while their eyes glowed
"Your mine!" The sanses said while thy bit your neck and shoulder
"It hurts! Release me!" You said
"Never!" The sanses said
"Heh you guys fell for it.." you said while they released you
"Heh sikes! See you!" You said and ran to your room
"Y/n! Your going down!" Fell said
"Im yelling never!" You said while giggling
"Heh nice one kid" sans said
"Just please forgive us?" The sanses said
"Hmm theres one way..." you said while going to the couch... they followed you
"What is it?" Fell said
"Imma read your diaries!" You said while smirking
"No anything but that.." fell said
"Too late i got your diaries and your photo albums..." you said while the sanses tried to get it but they cant.. you opened it.. after 2 hours of laughing you returned it
"Welp that was fun here ya go" you said but the sanses are blushing
"Aw gimme a hug!" You said.. while you hugged them they hugged you back
You are filled with love and happiness
"Soo when does the papyruses come back?" You said
"Maybe next summer.." sans said
"Hold on... i forgot school... nah im done wih schools..." you said but the sanses seemed confused
"I had graduated years ago." You said
"Oh..." the sanses said
"So... my wounds still hurts thanks for these 3 guys...." you said sarcasticly
"We are sorry for it!" The sanses said
"Heh i know.. thats why i like you guys but srsly it hurts at anytime im gonna collapse.." you said.. but you collapsed... at the 3... they didnt dare to move.. but they simply slept with you.. you forgot the dog....

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