Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

            I woke in my bed without any recollection of how I had gotten there. The last thing I recalled was fainting in my room after I suddenly remembered the events of that night. I bolted upright and quickly examined the extent of my bruising. After the quick realization that they hadn’t gotten any worse, I found my slippers at the foot of my bed and slipped them on. Man I’m hungry, I thought as I reached for the door.

            The voices that came from the other side of it made me hesitate. They were hushed and strange to me. Having lived in a home with just my mother, who rarely received visitors, noise was uncommon. So I put my ear to the door and listened.

            “Jonathon we’re been over this a hundred times. Why can’t you just do as I ask and protect Amber without her knowledge of your presence?” a feminine voice asked. I immediately recognized the voice to be that of my mothers.

            “Little too late for that little speech don’t you think Irene,” answered another female voice.

            “Stay out of this Aurora, it isn’t you she’s going to punish,” a male’s voice said sadly, “You’re going to wipe her memory aren’t you?”

            “I’ll do what I must to protect my daughter,” Irene replied firmly.                  

            “So be it,” the male’s voice answered. I heard footsteps and suddenly my door opened, causing me to fall right into Jonathon’s arms.


            Jonathon almost stumbled back in his state of confusion. He had gone to check on Amber but instead of being in her bed as he’d expected she came barreling out of her doorway head first when he opened it. The skin on her neck and cheeks were rose red and only darkened with every second she stared up at him. She pulled away from him, much to his disappointment.

            Her beautiful brown hair was in such disarray with frizz dominating most of her head, the long silky pajamas half hung off of her, with a few buttons left undone. Yet even in the mayhem of things, he thought as he stared at her, she still looked quite lovely. He smiled at her and she blushed harder.

            It was Aurora who dissolved the moment when she causally strolled up and exclaimed with a grin, “So you’re finally awake!”


            Aurora grabbed hold of Amber and half lead, half dragged her down the hall and into the kitchen. She smiled as she yanked Amber and pushed her roughly into a chair at the table. Damn, she thought as she yanked open the fridge, what the hell am I suppose too do with this little development? I’m no babysitter and she clearly has a thing for Jonathon, not good. She doesn’t even know him. Aurora plastered on a fake smile and grabbed the orange juice from the shelf. She turned around, kicking the door closed behind her all in one fluid motion. I hope she saw that, she thought.

            But when she looked up she realized Amber’s eyes were fixed somewhere else. Jonathon had pulled up a chair next to her and was examining the bruises along her face as well as the stitches just below her hairline. Why was she so uncontrollably angry? She needed to blow off some steam, she thought, or risk causing an unwanted scene. She grabbed a cup from the cupboard and fought the urge to crush it as she set both the orange juice and cup on the table in front of them. Aurora sighed and headed for the front door, she grabbed her purse off the chair that stood beside the door and yelled over her shoulder, “Make sure Amber eats something, and takes a shower Jonathon. I’ll be back in like an hour.”

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