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What you and  Ethan/ Grayson are doing in the grocery store:

Aries: you and Ethan are racing Alex and Grayson in the shopping carts

Taurus: checking out the cereal with Grayson

Virgo: you and Ethan are grabbing a whole bunch of junk food

Libra: begging Grayson to buy you ice cream because Ethan won't (you guys got in a fight)

Aquarius: looking for Grayson because you lost him

Leo: trying the samples in the bakery with the boys

Sagittarius: making puns with product titles, which I really irritating Grayson

Capricorn: Grayson and you are buying sushi

Gemini: you and Grayson are glaring at the people you don't like

Cancer: Ethan and you are looking for a movie at Red Box

Scorpio: At 12:00 am you and Grayson got super hungry so you walked to the nearest grocery store to buy food & you ate the food before paying for it😂

Pisces: Ethan is arguing with the clerk about how an item was on sale and they charged full price and you're awkwardly standing there

Dolan zodiacs Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora