Chapter 1

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Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

~Coco Chanel~

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First day of senior year and Kailee was nearly too late.


She got to class just in time before the bell sounded through the hallways. Ignoring all the stares, she claimed her spot next to Caroline.

She didn't know what it was but something about Caroline calmed her down and made her willing to open up. She didn't talk a lot to her but she did listen to her and offered her advise from time to time. At first she thought it was because Caroline's personality reminded her of her younger half sister but after finding out what Caroline was and how her father hated what she was, she knew it was because they both had a past with fathers.

She was a 'bastard child' as her father liked to call her and liked to beat her around for being a disgrace to the family. No one knew what else happened, not her and not Matt but they knew about her abusive father. If only that was all that there was to Kailee's life. So much more horrible and unbelievable things had happened to her to cause her to shut down.

Slowly but surely, she's been starting to have more and more trust in people. She started out small, for a long amount of time she only trusted her half siblings and after that she started to trust her best friends again, who happened to be family as well (cousin and third cousin) and now she trusted the two from Mystic Falls, outside of family.

"Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans." Mr. Saltzman started his class.

All heads turned to the door when a voice came from there. "What about the Vikings?"

Like she owned the class, she strolled to an open desk and sat down. A lazy smirk crossed her face as she looked at Alaric in a daring way.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you?" He asked.

"My name's Rebekah. I'm new. And history's my favorite subject." She stated.

Kailee didn't know what to think of her but since she had a reputation she didn't think she would be crossing paths with her any time soon.

How wrong she was.

She was walking through the hallways with Caroline at the end of the day when she or rather Rebekah bumped into her quite litteraly.

"Hey, watch out!" Caroline said, glaring at the other blonde.

Rebekah turned around, smirking at the blonde cheerleader. "Darling, I'm an Original. You should watch out."

When the word Original was uttered, Kailee shifted her eyes to Caroline. She now knew why the blonde next to her had been glaring and hissing at the blonde in front of her all the time during History.

"God, you-"

"I what?"

"Caroline." Kailee called, looking at her in hopes of Caroline getting the message she was trying to send.

"Kailee Henderson, I presume. I heard you didn't talk, guess I heard wrong." She cocked her head to the side, looking at the brunette a last time before turning again and walking away.

"Come on." Caroline said, leading Kailee to the changing rooms to get ready for gym.

While both Caroline and Elena were somewhat dare-y with their outfits, I decided to wear a loose pair of pants and a crop top but covered the scars on my back up by wearing a hoodie. It was 'freestyle' class as coach called it, all students could do what they wanted and as always, that meant dancing for Kailee.

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