❀ Chapter 2 ❀

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Cassie's Point Of View
I gave her a disgusted look. Can you believe this girl? Okay calm down. I think I'm just overreacting. Little did I know the teacher was teaching some very important information for tonights homework. I feel my heart drop as the teacher finnishes the info I need for homework. There's no way I can ever do this considering the fact that im a procrastinator. A couple periods go by and its lunch time. I look for Jessie and she's no where to be found. I sit alone at this empty table. I stab my fork in my spaghetti and wait. I see the same girl in class who bumped me in the shoulder approach me. I sit up straight in my chair.

"So sorry about what happend in 1st period, I was just so nervous and shy I couldn't turn back around and apologize in front of the whole class" said Hannah.

I was very shocked, I thought she was just one of thoose mean kids.

"Oh, no problem.. My names Cassie" said Cassie.

"Mine is Hannah" said Hannah.

"What are you doing here alone; a pretty girl like you should have thousands if people crowding you" said Hannah

"Oh thank you! I'm actually waiting for my friend" said Cassie

"Well I don't think that's a true friend, ditching you and all" said Hannah.

"No, we've been friends since birth, she wouldn't do that would she..?"  Said Cassie.

"Well." Said Hannah as she looks around. "She doesn't seem to be here :)" said Hannah

Anger builds up inside of me. She's right, I hate to admit.. Maybe she got caught up in something, but there's no way she could forget.

"Y'know we could be good friends, or even my new BFFL" I struggled to get the painful words out.

"Perfect!" Said Hannah as she jumps up.

School was over and me and Hannah exchanged phone numbers and hung out after school.

"What do you wanna do? I'm so bored" said Hannah.

"We could make a bff handshake, here let me show you the one me and Jessie made" said Cassie

We both high five with two hands,  and practice the rest of our handshake.

"Its getting late I should go home, good thing i pre-done my homework" said Hannah with a smirk on her face.

I open the door for her and wave good bye as she walks home.

Then I just realize:
I drag out my books and papers and any pen in sight.
I go eat dinner while doing my essay.
I don't manage to even Finnish 1/6 of my homework.
At this point I'm more stressed as ever, wondering what my teacher would think of me.


The next day at school the teacher calls me out after everyone else left.

"Ms. Cassie, where's the essay I've assigned yesterday? And the project you were supposed to do? And that math sheet??" Said Mrs. Doplen.

"I-i was..-" I let out a sigh and decide to say the truth. "Me and Hannah were hanging out all day and I totally forgot, I managed to do a couple paragrapghs but-" said Cassie as she gets cutts off by the teacher.

"Darling Darling, you are under so much stress its not even funny anymore" said Mrs. Doplen.
She leans in. "Between you and me, here's a great way to let out all your stress," she pushes a light pink book with the words "DIARY" on top.

"My daughter did this, and the next couple of weeks she was so stress free and chill it got out of control" said Mrs. Doplen as she laughs heavily.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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