Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

            Lelio woke to her sleeping face lying across the bed from his own. It made him nervous to have her so near in only a nightgown. His eyes traveled over her peaceful face, her long eyelashes leaving shadows on her cheeks, and settled on the delicate curve of her collarbone. Her hand rested lightly on her chest as if to keep her heart within it. He knew Anna Katherine’s heart did not beat for him and it was only her difference from most girls that made his heart race.

            He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. His brother did not even know how head over heels Anna Katherine was for him. Brandt had many women in love with him, but he never truly returned their feelings.

            Frustrated, he lay back down and stared at the ceiling then began to remember the short time span in which he met Anna Katherine. It began when Lord Enzo invited them to do some “hunting” on his land. He really only wished to show off his new bride, formerly Ms. Violetta Clio. Lelio’s younger brother, Brandt, was close to Enzo so when the invitation came they were duty-bound to go. Lelio expected the week to be dreary, but found it to be interesting simply because he met Anna Katherine for the first time.

            She intrigued him immediately. Rumors spun about her of course, but idle gossip never held true. To begin with, she was much prettier than he had initially heard. She did seem at first to be dull and expressionless, but he noticed that she had incredibly expressive eyes. They danced like she had acrobats behind her pupils. He admitted to himself that he was attracted to her, but that it was not quite a crush. Without meaning to, he began to watch her and hang on every quite word she spoke.

            One night at dinner she noticed him watching her stare longingly at his brother as he told a story and was startled into speaking.

            “Your brother tells us your twentieth year is fast approaching.”

The only reason he understood what she squeaked out was because he read her lips. “Yes, if our stay here goes accordingly we should be back to the palace within a week of the day.”

His low voice was nearly as inaudible as hers; she leaned slightly forward to say more while he mimicked her stance. “I am sure you rejoice at such an exciting event?”

Violetta giggled rather loudly next to her causing her attention to veer. She accidentally made eye contact with Brandt as he explained to her sister with flailing arms some opponent he had taken down. Anna Katherine quickly turned her attention, and heated cheeks, back to Lelio who was momentarily distracted as well.

“As much as one can rejoice at being farther from the innocence and lack of responsibility of childhood.”

She smiled slightly. “Ah, but one may always remain a child in spirit. It is the knowledge that comes from age and responsibility that form us into wise adults, while keeping the childish nature at heart we remain relatable to our future children. This remains especially true for a future king.”

He marveled at her insight.

Anna Katherine began to stammer. “I-I mean. By our future children I mean the generations to come. Not…”

It dawned on Lelio how she thought he had interpreted her statement. “I did not-Ah, it was an insightful observation nonetheless.”

  The two became fascinated by what was on their plates, though neither touched the rest of that course. Anna Katherine continued to sneak periodic glances at Brandt without anyone noticing or so she thought.

Then he noticed that she was using every opportunity to be near his brother. Brandt became her friend instantly, in the way he has of loving everyone, but he seemed not to notice her attraction to him. He made her laugh and break the constant calm of her face. Her cheeks began to color the moment he entered a room. They became close in such a short time, but they seemed to have known each other their entire lives. He even started calling her by her sister’s nickname for her. Aside from her sister, Brandt was the only one to ever cause Anna Katherine’s emotions to reach the surface. Lelio was a little jealous of how well liked his brother was.

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