Chapter 4

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Anna Katherine went to bed first, Lelio nowhere to be found. She lay awake pulling on the threads of her blanket and thinking on the day. Brandt was back bringing with him the light that had gone from the castle, until the wagons of the dead made their way past the wall. The neighboring kingdom was attempting to push their borders farther or take the kingdom of Merrion itself, though neither was sure.

Despite bad tidings Brandt smiled and kept the spirits of his men high. She truly admired him, as did many other women at court and it was rumored that Sir Camden did as well. Though Anna Katherine was married she was unable to push down the butterflies that churned her stomach whenever he was near.

"Sister!" Brandt exclaimed at the sight of her exiting the drawing room with her maids and Lady Miranda.

"Good Morning Prince Brandt." She curtsied and was met with a bear hug upon rising.

"Good day to you as well Lady Miranda." He kissed her hand briefly and turned back to Anna Katherine. "How fair you and my brother?"

"Well, I suppose. How was the south?"

"Hot." He smiled. "I only hope the advances of Pikeus do not lead to war."

Anna Katherine was unsure with how to proceed, so Lady Miranda flirted and gave her sour glances as she picked at the embroidery of her bodice.

"Your Highness the Queen needs you immediately." The Queen's steward announced almost breathless as he spotted Brandt.

"My apologies." Brandt bowed quickly and took off.

Lady Miranda spared a curtsy before fleeing from Anna Katherine's quiet company. She was used to ladylike disdain, but she noticed how Mary crinkled her nose when Miranda walked away.

"Perhaps her highness would like to go for a ride?" Mary suggested.

Anna Katherine looked up at her and smiled faintly. "No thank you, I should like to retire to my chambers with my book."

"I'll have some marzipan tortes sent up." She said bustling toward the kitchen.

Anna Katherine began reading as she climbed the stairs. She could not recall having shut the doors or sitting in the window seat she was so engrossed. The sun reached the peak of the sky, the light no longer slanting through the window.

"Tell me, what could possibly be so interesting." A rumbling voice said from above her.

Anna Katherine jumped, clutching the book to her chest, brown eyes wide. "How long have you been here?"

Lelio looked at her strangely. "I have been working over there since before you burst in, you almost threw your shoes at me."

"I-I am terribly sorry." She squeaked, burying her red face in the pages of her book.

"Truly, what is this?" Perching on the other side of the seat, he raised the book.

"A biography of the late Empress Latillia, she was born unable to hear and developed a language of hand signs still used today."

"Poor woman."

Anna Katherine sat up. "No she is incredible! Her disability pushed her to create something for the rest of civilization to use. She was never slowed by anything she was one of the most successful and fair rulers to ever exist. During Latilla's rule her lands expanded almost the entire southern half of the four kingdoms. She was an incredible military strategist as well."

Lelio was shocked by her fervor. "Why have I never heard of her?"

"Because she was a woman." Anna Katherine looked him full in the eyes as she said this.

She cleared her throat at his speechlessness. "Some say that her inability to hear was not a disability, but a gift. While others were distracted by the sounds of the outside, but she was able to concentrate only on seeing. This book says there was never a traitor in her entire kingdom because she would see them for their lies before they did."


"She was a warrior. Every major battle Latilla led her men on horseback, the first on the battlefield." Anna Katherine realized she was babbling, so she was shocked when Lelio said his next piece.

"I shall have to read it when you are finished."

"Y-yes! I am almost finished." Her cheeks flushed with happiness that her husband was showing an interest in something she liked.

Lelio stood abruptly and brought a tray of tortes from his workspace in the next room. "These were brought for you, I may have had a few."

"Thank you." She lowered her eyes and took the small platter. I missed Mary's sweets as well? I really should be more observant.

"You should get ready soon Anna Katherine. The knighting will happen in mere hours." Lelio bowed and briskly made for the exit on his long, slender legs. "I shall send for your maids."

"I-." Anna Katherine rose to speak, but he was gone.

The blue brocade gown she was squeezed into for the night was cut too low, with pearls inlaid along the neck of the bodice to match the small tiara in her hair. Anna Katherine hated corsets especially with her buxom figure. Her breasts were both squished and pushed halfway up her neck.

Lelio was waiting at the entrance to the great hall for her. She rested her hand upon his arm and noticed how taught his arms were, she was unsure if his arms always felt like this or if he was simply nervous. As she glanced at his face she saw how pinched and angry he looked and supposed it must be nerves. Anna Katherine's own face looked dull and unassuming as usual.

The couple greeted their guests exactly as their expressions would lead anyone to believe, Lelio, gruffly, Anna Katherine, quietly and without fervor. After everyone had been greeted properly, the knighting could finally begin.

The monotony of the ceremony wore on Anna Katherine and she began to unconsciously lean on her husband's arm. She attempted to pinch herself discreetly just to keep her eyes open, when suddenly a woman's scream that sounded vaguely like her name startled her into jumping away from Lelio. An arrow suddenly whizzed between their heads into the tapestry behind them.

Brandt ran to her with sword flashing, ready to take on any assailant. He placed her behind him and all she saw was the broad expanse of his back, but she heard everything. Screams came from everywhere, the guards attempted to shout orders over the patrons' hysteria. Another arrow was loosed and a thud and crack came from somewhere in the hall. Brandt ushered her through a door hidden behind another tapestry and hid her away in another room with no windows.

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