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(you can change the name if you see yours)

Light cleaned up the water while Jackaboy and (Y/n) went to a room to get some blankets. Dark put the coffee table against the wall with the window. Wilford put the laptop on the table and closed the curtains.

I looked around the small apartment as she was gone. The kitchen and the living room were right next to each other, and the only thing that separated them was the different floor styles; White carpet for the front room; Brown titles for the kitchen. There were doors on either sides on the TV; One was (Y/n)'s room and the other was the bathroom.

"You guys don't mind sleeping on the floor, right?" She said with blankets covering her face.

"We'll be fine." I reassured her.

I'm pretty sure we're all very grateful that she's even letting us stay outside of the laptop; We don't want to bug her too much.

She put the blankets down, grabbed a small white box, and put it on the kitchen table. Google and Bing awkwardly followed her like they wanted to ask her something.

She turned around and jumped a bit because they were in her face.

Her face changed from surprised to confusion, "Do you guys sleep?"

I laughed and started putting pillows on the couch, "I call dibs on the couch."

Dark, Glitch, Jack-Glitch, and Wilford groaned as they choose a blanket to sleep on.

I looked back at (Y/n), Bing, and Google.

"Would you like me to shut down now?"

"Not yet." Light said, "I think we should all hear the rules before we go to sleep."

Dark groaned, "Are there really rules?"

(Y/n) nodded a bit, "There are, but the only one you really need to worry about is the one having three people over at once, and I'm pretty sure we got that covered."

Everyone nodded.

"If your shoes are dirty," She continued, "I don't want you stepping on the carpet."

I looked at my clean, new converse, and looked back at her. Everyone else was looking at there practically brand new shoes too.

"Everything else is common sense; Don't leave dirty dishes anywhere, don't walk around the house in your underwear, etc."

Everybody nodded, except for Glitch.

"How'd you know we walk around the house in our underwear?"

"I didn't until just now."

Everybody else laughed.

He wasn't satisfied with that answer, so he raised an eyebrow.

She sighed, "Also, I was raised around boys, I kind of know."

He nodded in agreement and went back to his business.

"Where do you want us to put our shoes?" Jackaboy shouted.

"Over by the door." She motioned to it, "My shoes are there too."

We all gathered around the door and took out shoes off one after another. I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch.

Dark sat next to me and picked up the remote. Light, Jackaboy, Wilford, and Jack-Glitch sat on the floor. Glitch was still at the door trying to tell Google and Bing to take off their shoes.

"Do you guys have other clothes to change into?" (Y/n) asked. We all looked at the laptop, "And I thought that exploded?"

I messed with the end of my sleeve. When we were forced to leave to laptop, I practically flew out and hit (Y/n). Lucky for me, she didn't realize it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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