12 new kid

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I went to my locker to put away my books. I was making my way to my group of friends aka Grayson friends too. I bumped into someone causing all my things to fall "sorry i didn't mean to bump into you" I said the person bent down to help me "don't be princess" he said handing my book "are you new here?" I asked "yes I'm" he said.

After I picked my things I headed to my friends "whoa who is the new kid....he is hot" Leslie asked "I know right I just bumped into him" I said "shut up you didn't" she said "yes I did" I said "what y'all talking about" Joe asked with Grayson by his side "the new kid" I said "he is hot" Leslie said "what's his name" Grayson asked "shit I forgot to ask his name" i whispered "helloo Grayson" a voice said and that tone you know that tone they use in movies when a ex best friend says you know that tone yea it was in that tone

I turned around. New Kid. I looked at Grayson he looked like he was ready to kill the new kid great just great they had beef "nice to see you again princess" he said smirking "what are you doing here Trent" Grayson said coldly "did you hear I got transferred here" Trent said Grayson grabbed Trent by the collar "listen here dickhead this is my school and this is my friends that is my girl" Grayson nodded his head towards me wait hold on back up the bus since when was I his girl.....I kind of like it "don't you dare touch her or else I will chop you head off you got that" Grayson said and then stomped off.

I walked home today cause I needed some time myself alone for no reason I just wanted to be alone. I got a call from Leslie

"Bitch get you ass here" she said worried

"Why what happened" I asked

"Grayson is seriously whooping that Trent guy ass Joe and I tried to stop him but he won't y/n get to over NOW" she yelled when she said now

"Where are you" I asked

"Western park" she said

"On my way" i said

Western park is like 3 miles away ughhh I hate running well here goes nothing. I ran as fast as I saw an ice cream truck I quickly took a break and grabbed some ice cream hey ice cream comes first. I ran while eating my ice cream I finally made it to the park Trent and Grayson were serious going at each other, joe was trying to pull them apart "you stopped for ice cream" Leslie said "yes I needed a break" I handed her my ice cream I put my stuff down I told joe to step back.

Trent was going to throw a punch at Grayson but I grabbed his fist and flipped him I also flipped Grayson cause why not "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" I yelled Grayson stood up I faced him, his whole face was bloody aawwww my baby is hurt....wait what y/n pull yourself together "care to expl-" I was cut off by a punch to my back it was a weak punch I looked straight at Grayson eyes "he didn't just" I slowly turn around facing Trent I looked at him up and down he was bloody everywhere I punched him under his jaw, kicked him in the balls I then grabbed his hand put it behind his back and I started pulling his arm back "never punch a girl" I whispered in his ear. I kicked his back which caused him to fall on the ground face flat.

I turned around everyone jaw dropped "my dad taught me" i said Leslie handed me my ice cream "where is the other half" I asked "I dunno" she said. Everyone left I just stood there with grayson

"Care to explain" I asked kind of pissed "in the car" he said. He search his pockets for his keys "Trent his friends must have taken it when we were fighting" he said I sat him next to my backpack I started cleaning his cuts with my water and tishs (hehehe) I didn't have any ice for Grayson head so I just smeared ice cream on his head "really" he said "we don't ice you don't have you car keys the house is 25 miles away I ain't walking that far" I said.

We search the whole park for Grayson keys "there" he pointed at the dumpster "why dumpster" I asked "maybe it's there" he said

We walked to the dumpster, we looked around we found nothing, Grayson hoisted me in a dumpster. It. Was. Disgusting. I searched inside "what is this" I said picking up something "it's a used condom idiot" Grayson said "EEEEWWWWW" I squealed I just touch something a guy wears on his area. I noticed Grayson wasn't in a dumpster like me "why am I the one in the dumpster" I asked "cause you belong in there" Grayson said "shut up" I said I looked down THERE WAS A RAT ON MY SHOE it wasn't just any rat it was a hairless rat I screamed and backed up. I fell out of the dumpster but I didn't hit the ground I landed in Grayson arm. He raised his eyebrow "I saw a hairless rat" I said Grayson was about to say something but I put my finger over his lips

"Do you hear that" I asked "hear what" he asked "whining" I got out of Grayson grip. I followed the whining it lead to a dead end of the dumpster Grayson started to sneeze like crazy "shut you sneeze hole" I said "I can't control it" he said. I found a little bulldog in a puddle of water whining the bulldog was a boy he barely had any meat on him only skin and bones. He had some patch of fur gone. Also it was a puppy I wanted to cry.

I picked him up he quickly cuddled into my shirt. It was the middle of December so it was a somewhat cold in California. I looked for Grayson but I couldn't find him I guess he found his keys and went back to the car. I grabbed a jacket out of my backpack amd wrapped around the poor dog. I found Grayson car in the parking lot "why do you have a dog" Grayson asked "he was homeless he needs help" I said "well I don't care he is not getting in the car" he said "Grayson Bailey Dolan this puppy was out in the cold he doesn't have a owner and we is starving I'm not leaving him" I almost yelled "do not call me by my middle name" he said

We drove to the nearest vet Grayson couldn't stop sneezing. We headed in the doctor office the doctor looked at us weirdly I mean who wouldn't Grayson has cuts, dry blood, and ice cream all over him and I have trash all over me "it's a long story" Grayson said "well who is this here" the doctor said "i found him near a dumpster" I said handing him the puppy "we will take care for him but we don't have enough space in our adoption center so I think you are going to have to adopt him" the doctor said "my friend is allergic" I said "we will take of that we will call you tomorrow when we are done" the doctor said

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