Chapter 27

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Estefania's POV

December 31st (New Years Eve)

My contractions had started this morning but they were maybe two hours apart at the most, Taylor made a big deal of going to the hospital right away but I really didn't want to ruin today for Luca. Tonight was the biggest night of the year and I was expecting everyone to come in for our New Years party. Luca would see all of Laura's kids and now Carolina's babies (who he called cousins) at our new place, so you could say this was also a house warming party of sorts.

It was a little after nine when I felt another contraction coming. They were now fifteen minutes apart. The party was in full swing and there was no way I was going to freak everyone out with this.

"You know you can tell any of us when you're ready to go to the hospital." Valerie smiled at me.

"Oh no i'm fine.." I gasped holding on to my stomach "I-I-I think there's someone at the door. Get it?"

"Sure..." she says walking away.

I look for the nearest chair and sit on it looking around at the busy room. Everyone looked so happy, this reminded me of when we all first moved to California.. crazy how much things have changes since.

"Just wait a little while." I whisper to my belly "Don't want to ruin things for your big brother."

Looking back up I saw Laura and Cameron walking towards me, Laura was due any day now just like me.

"Mind if I sit with you?" She asks

"Go ahead" I smile

"I'll be right back babe." Cameron says kissing her forehead

Laura shakes her head as he walks away.

"I swear he's freaking out over nothing." She laughed

"Why, what's up?"

"I got like one contraction and he thinks I'm giving birth.."

"No way! Mine stated this morning but i'm not like dying or anything yet."

"What! Shouldn't you be in a hospital?"

"No not yet.. look how much fun our kids are having" I point

"I guess you're right" she nods "Its not like you're water broke or anything."

Another contraction occurs and I feel nauseous all of a sudden. Once again I put my hand on my stomach and look down.

"Oh no." I say looking at the wet floor

Did my water break? No.. I don't feel wet.. then it must be.

"Laura! You're water broke!" I say standing

"Cameron!" She yells

"Taylor!" I yell

I look at Laura with panic written all over her face. Everyone has ran over to our side not knowing what to do, except for Joe who called 911.

"This cant be happening." Laura says mad "Cameron get the kids.."

"No we'll take care of them you go!" Valerie assures them both

Everyone scrambles around the room not knowing what to do. I myself start to panic a little not being able to stand the pain I was in.

"Taylor!" I yell again

"Are you okay?!"

"No I'm not" I almost cry "The party is ruined and Laura.. look-"

"Oh my god is she okay?"

"I don't know and the ambulance is on it's way.."

"Stop lying Estefania." Valerie suddenly says from behind us "Taylor her contractions are like ten minutes apart get her to the hospital now!"

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