Chapter 7 "In This Alone"

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Kevin P.O.V

"Kevin wait!"

"What the fuck do you want Sly!?" I yelled.

I was fed up at this point, I had do this this all on my own. I've been without Aleks for long enough. I fucking want my baby back, and I'm doing it myself because that seems exactly how this is gonna work. This is the only way because these fuckers sure aren't gonna help me get him back. I wasn't sure how prepared to be, but I had to figure out a procedure for this and quick... Who knows how badly he's been treated... Don't think that way Kevin, I'm sure he's fine and once you get him back shit will be fine again. Just incase, I brought a pocket knife along with me, leaving everything but my keys behind.

"Kevin, just wait alright? We can't just go do this in a hurry, we need a plan!"

"Eddie! You don't fucking get it do you? You fucking asshole! Look I'm sorry, but I've been waiting for you guys to figure something for two damn weeks! Two Eddie, two! I can't take it anymore, I have to go get Aleks! What do you think his thoughts are of us now? He probably hates us, hates ME! We're suppose to be here for one another, I'm his boyfriend and for fucks sake, you're his best friend! Jesus Christ Eddie! I'm doing this with or without you and you can't stop me!" I felt rage boiling inside me, I've never yelled at anyone this way, especially Eddie.

Before I could head out the door, he grabbed hold of my wrist. "You can't go alone Kevin..." He looked me dead in the eye, a cold stare.

"Watch me..."

I yanked my arm out of his grip, tugging away and out to my car. Once in I started the ignition, watching as Eddie ran out the door after me, but I backed out of the drive way and saw as he fell to his knees watching as I drove away.

Calm down Kevin, what's the plan here? How are you gonna get your boyfriend back and out of that house? Get in there without being noticed somehow, get Aleks and sneak your way out, simple as that. If only it WAS as simple as that. What if this whole situation is more complex? In this process I could possible get harmed, injured and killed. All I need to do is get my boyfriend away from that maniac who took him and if something happens to me during it all, as long as I get Aleks back, it'll all be worth it.

I just really need him back... And I'm gonna do the best I can... Alone.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I almost forgot about paying attention to he road. Snapping out of my gaze, I heard a honk and stopped almost immediately, noticing a car driving past right in front of me and a red light being present. "FUCK!" I yelled. The plan has yet to begin and could have already fucking killed myself in a damn car accident. God damn it Kevin! What would have it been after? Then what? Aleks would probably be fucking dead if you killed yourself without even attempting to save him yet. Let's just hope he isn't dead yet.

What a terrible way to think... He isn't dead.

I continued driving until I pulled up to her house, and there were no cars, lights off. It was being 1am in the morning, yet no one was home. They left my baby alone in the middle of the night? To be where? What have they been doing with him? Atleast I hope he's here... Please. I stepped out of my car, looking around me cautiously. Now I just need to get in there. Obviously the front door is no use, so I head around the back, hoping there was some way in, even the back door is locked.

"Dammit!" I mentally scold myself.

I then started to check each of the windows, trying to lift any of them up in hopes that atleast one was open for access to the inside.
Thankfully one was left unlatched from the inside and I was able to lift it up, crawling through the small window space and inside the house.
I started my search with fear, making sure that exactly no one, but my baby where here. I want this to be a simple task, but It doesn't seem like it will. I scoped out the whole downstairs, but to no avail, Aleks wasn't down here. I ran upstairs next, looking in the bathroom, search the bedrooms and they were empty, no sign that anyone was around.

Looks like I'm alone...

I began to hear faint moan and groans of pain coming from a room down the hall. I followed it, pressing my ear against the door to get a closer listen to the voice and mumbling which was hard to hear.

"He doesn't love me... He hasn't even came for me...." Was said through tears and cries of struggle.

That's Aleks...

"ALEKS!!!" I yelled.

I unlocked and opened the door, bursting in then dropping to my astonishment. There my baby was.... There was Aleks... He was strapped down by his wrist and ankles to some exercise equipment, covered in streaks, cuts, and blood, all to what have looked like have been caused by a belt.

They didn't...

"Oh my god my baby!" I cried.

"Kevin... You came..."

"Of course I did..." I hugged him, but he flinched and gasped in pain.

"Help... Me... Please..." He said with faint breaths.

"I'm sorry... Aleks, I'm gonna get you out of this..."

I pulled out my pocket knife I brought with me, flipping it open and begin cutting the tied knots of fabric from his wrist. I had cut one of his wrist free when I saw Aleks eyes grow wide, and his face had FEAR written all over it.

"Hello there... Kevin."

I turned around and there she was, the woman from the restaurant, it was Sarah. She had a huge grin on her face, staring straight at me, a hand behind her back.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, backing away slowly.

"Awh... Do you not remember me... Kevie?"

"Kevie?... Wait... Wait.. Sarah? The Sarah I dumped freshman year because I was gay?"

"Mhm... I'm so glad I could jog your memory of me."

"This is what this is all about? Because I dumped you?"

"Of course! Why else would I be doing this? I knew you had a crush on this pale misunderstood Russian boy and i thought since he took you away from me, well he'd have to pay the consequences and suffer for it..."

"He didn't take me away from you, okay? We barley started dating recently! I didn't date anyone else after you, I spent the rest of high school alone, afraid to tell people who I really was! I love Aleks..."

"Love him? Boy... You're gonna wish you didn't say that..."

Maybe I should be regretting it, but I don't because I mean it. She moved her hand from her back, revealing what she's been holding for the past five minutes, a sharp bladed 10 inch pointed knife, and she was coming straight towards me with it.

"Sarah... You don't have to keep doing this... I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"Oh but I do Kevie... If I can't have you... Nobody can..."

I squinted my eyes, closing them shut, just waiting for her to attack. This is it, I could even get to save Aleks... But atleast I was able to say I love him one last time... Be able to see him one last time. And if he's to die soon after me, we can spend the rest of our lives together in heaven where we can live together peacefully. I awaited my death, the penetration of a sharp knife in me...


Confused I open my eyes and I watched as Seamus slapped the knife out of Sarah's hand, Eddie tackling her to the ground, him and Seamus holding her down.

"James! Call the police, quick! We'll try to hold her down as long as we can! This bitch is a fucking fighter dude!" Eddie exclaimed.

"Yeah, no kidding!" Seamus said trying not to struggle with all her kicking and movement.

"Got it!" James said already on the phone stating the predicament.

"You guys came to help..." I whispered.

"Of course, I told you... You couldn't go alone." He said sincerely.

Quickly remembering Aleks, I went back to cutting him free, doing it as fast as I could this time. As I cut the last fabric knot from his leg, he tackled me to the ground in a hug, kissing me deeply. I smile, kissing him back then pulling him off me that way we'd be able to stand up.

"I didn't think you'd come for me..." He said in tears.

"I know... I heard... When you said I didn't love you..."

"You heard that? Kevin... Please... I was just-"

"No... It's alright, you had doubts. I would too if you took two weeks to come save me... I'm so sorry for that... I came alone because I got so sick of waiting for this stupid plan out of everything and I almost got myself killed, but yet the guys surprised me and came to our rescue..."

I look back and see that the police were already here, cuffing Sarah and taking her downstairs to be placed in the car to be taken to the police unit.

Aleks once again wrapped his arms around me, trying not to hug too tight due to his cuts and bruises and I wrapped my arms around his waist touching him gently.

"That tickles!" He giggled. He looked me sweetly in the eyes and placed a kiss upon my cheek. "Thank you so much for coming back for me..."

"I promised you..."
ARE YOU GUYS HAPPY? THEY'VE BEEN REUNITED! Took me long enough? Scold me if you wish. When you're in love, you'd do anything for that person.

ImmortalAnex "Promise Me"Where stories live. Discover now