chapter 6

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It was the next day and Zac got up early to make pancakes and scrambled eggs. He took a plate up to his guest room where Kate was asleep and didn't know that Zac took her home yet.  He came over to her bed and softly said, "Kate would you like some breakfast?" Her eyes popped open and she sat up with a big smile on her face. She gasped "I would love some!" She said.  "What am I doing here?" "Well... I decided I would take care of you." "Oh... thanks that's so sweet," she said smiling. "Wow you're even better looking up close!" She said.  "Haha yeah you too babe.

Two weeks had past of Zac giving Kate medicine and making her food and checking on her all the time.  Zac started feeling so weird whenever he would lay down in his bed because all e wanted was Kate. He felt like he needed to be sleeping with her.

Another week past and Kate decided that she would go back home now because she could finally use her lag again and her face was starting to feel a lot better. "Thank you so so much for everything, I'll pay you back." Kate said as she walked out the door. "oh anytime!" He yelled back he shut the door and walked over to the couch, sat down and turned on a movie. The rest of the night felt so lonely for Kate and Zac.......

Hey thanks so much for reading I'll be updating tomorrow please vote and add this to library also tell anybody that's following you to check this out! Also I'll follow you if you're lonely!

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