chapter 15

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Kate POV

Ding dong

Oh sweet, Abby is finally here.

I turn and look in the mirror, i fix my hair and shirt then open the door.
"Finally yo-" "zac? What are you doing here?"

Zac: "kate, oh I missed you so much." I came to say I am truly SO sorry. I will-"

"you cheated on me, how am i supposed to forgive you!?" I yelled.

"I dont know and once again im sorry. I will do ANYTHING to make it up to you. Anything. Please." A tear fell from his cheek, "anything." did he actually care?

"I-I." I sighed. He looked up at me and pulled me close. I felt terrible because i looked terrible. But that didnt matter to me. For just that moment nothing mattered and it felt like nothing even happened. Before i knew it, his lips touched mine. Ever so softly, and so very slow but it was the most magical thing that ever happened to me. We kissed and i held him close. I pulled back and smiled. "Do you forgive me?" He asked. I chuckled. "No." Then we kissed again. He said he had to go but he would be here to get me at 7:00 pm for a date.

When Abby got here i told her everything. "It was MAGICAL" i said with dreamy eyes. " could you go from hating him to being so in love with him?" I met her eye. "I have no idea, but thats exactly what i did."

......"yeah! And then he told me to be dressed up all fancy and to be ready at seven and he will pick me up."

"Well then, lets fix you up girl."

We went in my closet and looked through every dress, skirt, pair of jeans, sweats, shorts, everything! "We'll have to go to the store." Abby concluded.

We raced to the store and into the clothes section. We began looking when i saw the most beautiful dress i picked it up and showed Abby. It was strapless, sparkly, purple, and it went right above my knees. "Abby! Look at this!"
"Omg! I love it, lets go try it on. Cmon"

"Its too big!" I wailed.
"What? Well did you see any other ones in there?"
"No-o-o" I whined to her look a four year old.
"Well," Abby sighed.  "We could always ask sombody."

"Hello? Hi, yeah we found this dress and its to big, do you have it in a smaller size, by any chance?" Abby questioned.
" i believe not. In sorry." The lady told us.
"O-okay, we'll just look for another." I sighed once more.
"Its fine, we'll find one, dont worry Kate, its all right."
"Thanks Abby."

Texting Zac EfronWhere stories live. Discover now