Look Who's Back

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The next day, Sofia decided to enjoy herself before Jade and Ruby could come. She decided to play outside in the snow. Sofia started to make a snowman when she heard Ruby and Jade calling, "Sofia!"

Sofia's spirits were lowered the minute she heard Ruby's and Jade's voices. She turned and saw the duo. She knew she had to be happy.

"Good morning," Sofia said dryly.

"Read to get started?" Ruby asked.

"Want to ice-dance in your rink?" Jade asked.

Sofia didn't like the sound of that. She didn't like the idea of ice-dancing because it was Hugo's favorite sport, and it made her miss him even more.

"I don't know," Sofia frowned.

"Come on, Sofia," Jade urged. "Let's ice-dance."

Sofia didn't want to ice-dance, but Jade and Ruby wouldn't listen to her despite it making her miss Hugo since he loved the sport. Since Ruby and Jade wanted to ice-dance with her, Sofia had no choice.

"Okay, let's ice-dance," Sofia sighed. "I'll go get my skates."

Suddenly, Sofia heard a boy ask, "Room for one more?"

Sofia knew that voice, and Ruby and Jade didn't like that sound. Sofia turned around, and coming up behind her was...

"Hugo!" Sofia gasped. She ran up and hugged Hugo tightly.

Ruby and Jade couldn't believe it. Hugo was supposed to be on vacation for a week, and he was only gone for a day. Now he's back already.

"You're back early," Sofia remarked.

"Yeah, you said you'd be gone for a week," Ruby declared.

"Well, Dad sprained his ankle, so we came home early," Axel pointed out. "We got back just last night."

"What happened?" Sofia asked.

"Dad was going to play ice-hockey with Axel, but he got his enchanted skates mixed up with his hockey skates," Hugo winced.

"Well, now that you're here, you can get back to having fun," Axel smiled. "I'll pick you up later, baby bro. Have a good time." He hugged his little brother and left him with Sofia.

"Well, what do you say we get started on ice-dancing?" Hugo smiled.

"You bet," Sofia beamed. "I'll get my skates."

Sofia and Hugo went to get her skates, and Ruby and Jade stayed behind, standing with their mouths hanging open. They couldn't believe that Hugo was home from his vacation early.

"I cannot believe it," Jade gaped. "Prince Hugo said he'd be gone for a week, but he was only gone for a day, and here he is!"

"He broke his promise," Ruby pouted.

James came across the duo.

"Prince James, have you noticed that Sofia spends all her time with Prince Hugo?" Jade asked.

"What do you mean?" James frowned.

"He just got back from his vacation," Ruby noted.

"Already?" James gaped. "I thought he was going to be back next week."

"He's supposed to be on vacation for a week, but his dad got hurt, so the family came home early," Ruby pouted.

"Well, it's good to know he's back to playing with Sofia, but it's a shame it was because his dad hurt himself," James remarked.

"You're missing the point, Prince James," Jade pouted. "Prince Hugo said he'd be gone for a whole week, and he's only been gone for a day."

"Prince Hugo broke his promise," Ruby chimed in.

James could tell that Ruby and Jade were jealous of Hugo because he was very close to Sofia, and they were afraid of losing her to him.

"Whoa, slow down there," James told the girls. "I know you're upset that Hugo is back from his vacation early, but he didn't promise he'd be gone for a week. He didn't even expect this to happen. It's nobody's fault that his family came home early because his dad got hurt."

Just then, Queen Miranda showed up. "What's going on?" she asked.

"Prince Hugo is home from his vacation," Ruby sighed.

"He broke his promise," Jade added.

"Promise?" Miranda frowned. "Did Prince Hugo actually promise he'd be gone for a week?"

"Well, he didn't really say it was a promise," Jade smiled sheepishly. "He said he'd be gone for a week."

"But he didn't say it was a promise," Miranda declared, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you insisting it was a promise?"

"Yeah, they're having kind of a jealousy issue," James smirked.

"Oh," Miranda smiled.

Suddenly, the group heard Sofia ask, "They who?"

Miranda, James, Jade, and Ruby were startled by the sound of Sofia's voice. They turned to see that Sofia had been listening to their conversation.

"Sofia, I hear Prince Hugo is back from his vacation," Miranda smiled.

"Yeah, King Garrick sprained his ankle in a hockey accident, so they came home early," Sofia told her mother.

"Where is Prince Hugo?" Jade asked.

"He's waiting for us in the rink," Sofia replied. "Are you okay?"

Sofia felt like she already knew the problem. She was aware of Ruby and Jade's jealousy of Hugo because they did despicable things to him out of enviousness before.

Ruby and Jade didn't want Sofia to know that they were jealous of Hugo (again) and that they were dismayed that he was home from his vacation. They remembered the Dazzleball game: not only did Jade rudely rub the fact that she was the Dunwiddie Ducks' new captain in Sofia's face, but Ruby slammed Hugo in the head with the Dazzleball and knocked him unconscious. They decided to keep their jealousy of Hugo a secret.

"Oh, we're fine," Ruby insisted.

"Okay," Sofia smiled. "Well, Hugo is waiting for us. Let's go."

As Sofia walked off, Jade and Ruby were surprised that Sofia wanted them to join her and Hugo's fun.

"See that?" James smiled. "Sofia wanted you to join the fun."

"Yeah, she does," Jade nodded.

"Ruby, Jade, what's the holdup?" Sofia called.

"We're coming, Sofia," Jade called back.

"Well, you'd better catch up," Miranda told Ruby and Jade.

"All right," Ruby nodded.

Ruby and Jade went to catch up with Sofia. They were happy that she was including them in the fun, but they still wished it was the three of them.

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