17th Reaction

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Watching Ice Fantasy (Chinese drama on Viki)

Jin:I can't understand this! (10 minutes later) F this, I'm out *Goes to the store and buys mario*

Rap Mon:Is there subtitles for this? *Looks for subtitles* *Breaks his phone* Great, there goes my birthday present

Suga: *Watches* (10 seconds later) *Asleep*

J Hope: *Doesn't understand but watches anyway* Hmmm, oh ok *Just says random stuff to think he understands*

Jimin: I don't understa-
*Rap Mon appears*
Rap Mon: YOU GOT NO-
*Didn't finish because Suga killed him for being so loud*

V: AHH!!! ALIENS!!! Wait, I'm a alien though *Thinks on what to call them*

Jungkook: *Finds Korean subtitles and watches without any struggle*

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