Bell's Expedition: Hidden Power

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Bell’s Expedition

Hidden Power


Deep within the middle of a grassy forest filled with lots of plantation is a dark cave. Inside the dark cave a pair of huge red eyes glimmered down from a high rock. Howls, snarls, and growls filled the cave. A grey wolf padded forth “Nonsense! We should start the attack now!” a wolf howled losing his patience. An owl flew onto a high ledge in the cave. “Yeah! What are we waiting for?!” The owl hooted in agreement from the high ledge from the top of a cave. A jaguar roared over the others “This is a perfect time to start killing!” hissed the Jaguar pacing back and forth. Yowls, and snarls of agreement fill the cave once again.

Abruptly a deafening roar from the high rock silenced them all. It was a black lion standing at the edge of the high rock looking down on the animals below. His fiery red gaze pierced through the pelts of them all. “Patience!” he growled “We mustn't be too hasty!” The black lion turned his gaze onto the pacing jaguar. The pacing Jaguar stopped and stepped forward “We're all sick of waiting, besides, what difference does it make if we start sending out attack parties early?!” “A big difference!” the lion roared back losing his nerves. The lion leaped down from the edge of the high rock and landed loudly but neatly in front of the Jaguar. The black lion greatly outside the Jaguar, he stood there staring into the Jaguar’s amber eyes, but the Jaguar didn't flinch. The black lion spoke once again. “You must be patient” he repeated in the low growl “my friend”  

            The Black Lion looked at the Jaguar, then at the crowd of animals and back again. “But, I suppose you guys can have a little fun” he snarled dubiously. “Go! If you please, show them a taste of our power! Yowls of agreement filled the cave “Let all who stand against us know that Chaos is preparing for the great battle!” The black lion slipped deeper into the darkness and hissed “We will be victorious.” before being engulfed completely by the darkness.

A large black panther ran swiftly through a foggy swamp. I have to warn the others he thought to himself It has begun Rage’s armies are increasing! This is bad! He halted when he came to a den surrounded by thick vines and curled stems shelter by the roots of a massive tree. “Madame Clow! Madame Clow!” The Black Panther was painting heavily barely able to summon the words out. A she leopard slowly rose her head in response. She had a warm sandy coat with black spots, and amber colored eyes. “Easy my dear boy, what brings you here in such a hurry? Is there trouble?” The Black Panther caught his breath, “It's Black Lion!” Worry clouded the she leopard’s eyes “Black Lion!” So he strikes once again when will you learn? The leopard thought. Fire burned in the Black Panthers amber eyes “It’s not a small party like last time. He's managed to assemble huge multiple attack parties” Black Panther finished in the low growl “This may be his last attack, but I worry if this battle will be one we’ll be able to win. We've already lost several attack parties; we are losing by the second. Black Lion has got us all figured out he knows our every move, our every weakness and he's more cunning than ever! How could we possib-” “Do you hear yourself?! You sound as if we've already lost!” Black Panther flinched He did think that all hope was lost. “But Madame Clow!” She interrupts him once again “No! I don't care about all that! The tables will turn! Black Lion will never rule the world; it's not the Will of nature!” Black Panther blinked “Yes ma'am, but I am simply advising we take precautions. We can't lose anymore-” “We won’t!” The she leopard snapped making Black Panther flinch once again. “V-very well then, shall I create the new attack parties?” Madame Clow scraps her claws against the earthy ground and stared angrily down at her paws. “Yes go do that!”

Black Panther got up and turned around and padded slowly towards the exit. A flash of anger surged through him. She's a fool! He thought we can never win the battle like this! We are all running towards our graves! His amber eyes suddenly filled with understanding. She is just as frightened as the rest of us. It must be hard, putting on a brave face like that. “Crow!” Madame Clow shouted from behind him. Black Panther turned his head “Yes Madame Clow?” Madame Clow laid back down in the moss filled den “I want, I want you to find Bell” “Who is Bill?” “Bell!” Madame Clow corrected him. “Who is Bell? And what about the att-” Madame Clow swiped him with a heavy but sheathed paw. “Do not worry about that now. I just want you to find Bell!” “Who is Bell? How is this going to help us? Why do you want me to get Bell?” Questions whirled around Crow’s head. “I'll answer your questions later. But first you must find Bell!”

Chapter 1

It was Sun high when storm clouds started to form. A light grey she cat with white paws sat on a rooftop of a brown wooden cabin. She had sky blue eyes and a ribbon wrapped around her neck with a single bell that dangled from it. Her name was Bell. Bell stayed in an abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest. Her house folk were long gone. They were driven off by a forest fire and only she remained. Just Bell, the forest, and the wildlife it seemed all she needed. But she longed for something more. She wishes she had company with her to rid the emptiness inside her gut.

She smelled the scent of a storm coming and the scent of rain. No it can't rain now! But if it can't be helped I guess I'll shelter in the old abandoned cabin. Bell slowly padded her way into the cabin’s cracked open door. She heard mice scuffling around behind the empty boxes in the far back to the cabin. She crept her way towards the boxes and crouched silently waiting for a mouse to appear.

Guess I'll have me a good meal before I go to sleep. A mouse ran right in front of her and started nibbling on some food. Man this is too easy! And it’s so juicy and plump. Man, jump into my paws why don't you? Bell thought silently to herself. She stayed on her haunches ready to pounce. Then as quick as lightning she jumped and landed a paw on the mouse but it wriggled and slipped through and circled around Bell. Damn! Bell spun around a managed to block the mouse's way; it was obviously trying to scurry back into the safety of the boxes. Bell caught it’s once again and quickly pinned the mouse tail with her claw and killed it quickly with a swift bite to the neck. Yes! This make for a nice meal!

Bell padded to a small pile of hay with the mouse dangling from her jaws. She fell into the pile of hay and began to eat her prey. She quickly finished it off gulping up the last bits of it. Abruptly a crack of lightning struck taking her by surprise she painfully gulped the rest down in surprise. Ouch! She thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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