Air Catcher

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I don't fall slow like I used to

I fall straight down

You've stolen my air catcher

That kept me safe and sound

My parachute's what got me

Safely to ground

But now the chord's not working

And I see you staring me down

I won't fall in

Love with falling

I will try to avoid those eyes

I think you would beat the moon in a

Pretty contest

And the moon just happened to be the

Very first thing that I missed

I was doing fine on my own and there

Wasn't much I lacked

But you've stolen my air catcher

And I don't know if I want it back

I won't fall in

Love with falling

I will try to avoid those eyes

Cause I'm not sure I

Want to give you

Tools that can

Destroy my heart

And I just don't say

What you wanna hear

So out of my fear

And I don't believe

In talking just to breathe

And falling selfishly

I won't fall in

Love with falling

I will try to avoid those eyes

But now I'm here to

Give you words as

Tools that can

Destroy my heart

canciones de twenty one pilotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora