Memories and Nightmares

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Elkins, West Virginia ~ 746 days earlier ~

"Jesus CHRIST! They're fucking everywhere! Let's move! Ring the fucking bell!" Gio cried in the glacial air. The Church of Saint Luke was overrun with ghoulish gargles and the aroma of rotting flesh. Walkers. The massive herd infiltrated the gates of the cemetery outside the ground, and they stumbled in quickly. Their horrifying swarm tumbled toward the colonial church house.

Scurrying up the stairs to the bell tower, you watched as Gio darted through the pews, waking up the other members of the community. "Guys, get to the armory! Take the children to the convent! They're coming!" he shouted. The woman shrieked. Children clung to their mothers in panic. Families ran to the convent, seeking refuge in its fortified walls. The militiamen burst from their barracks with rifles and farming tools. They were hardly trained for a surge like the one that approached.

Reaching the tower, you pushed against the bell with all your strength, and the sound pierced the church yard

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Reaching the tower, you pushed against the bell with all your strength, and the sound pierced the church yard. Gio rallied the warriors and split them up accordingly. The staggering numbers of biters crawled through the prayer garden, and their gruesome sounds awoke a heart-pounding terror in you. Drawing a dagger from your belt-buckle, you dashed down the stairs and sprinted to the front of the church. Gio clutched a large axe in his fist as he commanded the men. Grabbing him by his jacket, you asked, "Where's my dad?"

"He's taking the west side of the yard. You should get to the convent," he demanded as the undead spilled through the territory.

"I'm not fucking leaving him--"

"You can't win this one, Jackie!" Gio yelled and shoved you toward the doors of the church.

A walker crept toward him, and he sliced its torso in half before crushing its skull. Three others attacked from his right side, and he dug the head of his axe into their brains in one, clean sweep. They collapsed and twitched on the ground like squashed cockroaches. Two biters attempted to catch his arms, and you lunged behind them; you stabbed the base of their heads wildly and they crumbled into a pile of defeated gurgles. Gio whipped his head around and nodded in gratitude. "G.I. Jackie at it again," he panted. "Now, get your ass to the convent! I'm gonna turn this motherfucking herd into a Lego set!" he howled, rapidly chopping the corpses to pieces. Raising his axe, he slammed it down on a hissing and sputtering rotter with such force that you could feel the rush of air from his swing. It split in two from crown to diaphragm, and black liquid squirted from its open cavity until it dropped to the turf. "Kiss this blade, you fucks!"He cleaved them as if they were twigs.

 "Kiss this blade, you fucks!"He cleaved them as if they were twigs

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