A normal day at beacon

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Blake's POV:
I was just starting to wake up and when I turned over and looked up I made contact with golden blond hair and her soft but serious lilac pools looking down at me. Just this small action made me blush so I turned over to hide my face. "Morning kitty cat" the blonde brawler said with her groggy voice. I didn't always love the name kitty cat because I was a Faunus but I learned to accept it because I now knew that it was only meant in a playful way. I smiled at her once I stopped blushing. "Morning fireball I said trying to sound cool as I walked to the bathroom. I could feel her eyes watching me as I walked and again I started to blush. I closed the door behind me and started to get dressed and brush my black silky hair. I sighed as I looked at my ears and I began to tie my black bow around them but then I felt a hand on mine pulling the bow out of my hands, I knew exactly who it was. I turned around to find Yang holding my bow and giving me a small smile. "Don't hide your ears kitty cat I like them." She said and she turned away with the bow in her hands and closing the door behind her leaving me with my mouth wide open.

Yang's POV:
Once Blake got out of the bathroom she smiled at me letting me know she appreciated what I said. I was being honest i loved her ears they were so cute. But she didn't like people seeing them because she didn't want to be treated differently because of her Faunus heritage. I understood that and I let her be. I handed back her bow and she tied it around her ears and we were on our way.

We started talking as we walked to our first class with Doctor Obleck. I was listening to our conversation but then I got distracted. " God damn it I thought I wish I could tell her how I feel. I stared into her beautiful Amber eyes that made me melt every time. They were just so...enticing. "Hey Yang are you ok? You seem kinda distracted." I snapped out of my daydream and back into reality "Oh yeah I'm great" I said giving her a great big smile which made her laugh. "If you say so Yang." She said as we turned the corner to class, we headed through the door and headed to our seats. We sat down and started taking notes...Well Blake started taking notes I on the other hand put my hand on my cheek and started dozing. I barely got any sleep since the dream started happening. "Miss Xiao Long i hope you are paying attention since we will be having a test about the creatures of Grimm next Monday! Say could you also tell the class what we are taking notes on...Hm." Blake nudged me and pointed to the title on her paper. "Aura" I said with my head held high as Blake quietly chucked. "Hm very good Miss Long...very good" Doctor Obleck then turned around to the blackboard. I whispered thanks to Blake and she gave me a thumbs up as I smiled. What a great partner, best friend, ...Crush I have I thought to myself. The bell rang and it was time for free period. I got up slowly while grabbing my bag and paper, and headed to meet Blake by the door.

Hey guys I hope you r liking the story so far plzzzzz leave feed back for ideas and thanks so much for reading

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