Chapter 23

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Jiyeong's POV

"Okay, then! It's settled! We called everyone, all we gotta do is get Haru and Taehyung on board!" I said.

"Can't we just ask them to go there for a date?" Hoseok asks.

"Eh, that seems easy," Namjoon shrugged.

Jungkook, Namjoon, and I went downstairs. We saw them sleeping while drooling.

"Aish, these kids..."

"Wake them up," I command the boys. They began attacking them.

"A-ah...I'm up," Haru groans.

Taehyung was still snoring and fast asleep. Jungkook pounced on him and starting tickling him, but he was still sleeping. I looked and Haru and she fell asleep, again.

I sigh. "PIZZA AND DONUTS!" I yell.

Haru and Taehyung immediately shoot up.

"Where?!" They ask eagerly.

"I'll buy it later, I guess. Um, anyways...we planned out a date for you guys tomorrow," I said.

They nodded.

"It's at 7 pm SHARP and don't you dare be late or I'll murder your asses. And no matter what, you cannot leave during the date, which is 7pm to 8pm. Arraseo?"

They nodded again.

"And dress nice!" Namjoon added.

"I don't have nice clothes," Haru groaned.

"Uh...I'll take you shopping today, it's only the afternoon, let's go!"

She groaned.

"I wanna go home and tell Jin first, in case he worries."

"I'll come with you guys!" Hoseok and Namjoon said at the same time.

"Cmon, Haru. Get your butt off the couch, let's go." I said.

Haru's POV

I was outside my house. Hopefully Jin doesn't beat the crap out of me.

I rang the doorbell and Jin presented himself.

"Haru!" He exclaimed and hugged me.

"Hm...I can't tell you when you're this happy..."

He gave me a serious look. "What happened?"

"!" I slurred my words quickly, but Jin seemed to understand it all.

"Girl, you are so in trouble," he hissed. "An rebel against his parents? I am so disappointed in you!"


"But I forgive you!"

"HUH?!" The four of us said in unison.

"First of all, the 'getting stranded on an island' thing wasn't your fault. It was that stupid teachers fault, I still hate him so much. And that also explains why you didn't pick up my calls... Also, congrats with Taehyung! I know he has an arranged marriage, and he hates the other girl. You two still love each other and want to cancel the marriage." Jin explained.

" did you know the marriage thing?" I asked.

"Uh...Jiyeong sort me..."

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