Drop dead

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OMG! So this is my second story. I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it! Hope you enjoy.......


Chapter 1

I woke up to my alarm clock once again. Another hellish day at school I thought to myself. I hated school and school hated me. I pushed my thoughts to the side and got into the shower room. I stripped down and turned to water on. I waited for it to get warm and hopped in. I rinsed down my body and washed my hair. I had shaved the other day so I didn't need to do it today. I washed my body and rises off again. I grabbed a towel and dried off. Walking in front of the mirror I looked in the mirror and sighed at myself. I didn't think I was so fat, but hey my opinion doesn't matter at all.

"No wonder everyone hates me, I'm a fat ass, and I'm ugly." I thought to myself and walked out of the steam filled bathroom. Drying off, I picked out my outfit for today: a pair of old torn skinny jeans and a plaid shirt. I threw that on and ran down stairs throwing on my UGGS and went out the door. It was the middle of winter right now and I had to walk to school. I wasn't gonna ride the bus anymore after the fight that happened last month. My eyes wear looking at my shoes when I ran into him. He towered over me while his brown curls flew around his head and green eyes looked among me. Unfortunately he was one of the people I didn't want to see, but always did. He was my bully, Harry Styles.

"Watch where you are going bitch." He said and my vision was back to the ground. He ran into his friend Niall's car and they sped off. I kept on walking and ran through my short cut to school. I ran through mrs. Nights yard and over her fence. I then cut through Mr. Godwin's yard. I walked out into the road to get to the school, but I was still looking down. A loud honk roared through my head and I froze. The car slid along the frozen pavement and hit the fence on the other side of the road. A boy got out with blond hair that us up in a quiff. I stumbled back as he came toward me.

"What the fuck!? Why where you in the middle of the road!?" He yelled and as he reached me he realized it was me.

"Oh never mind it was you." He said and pushed me back. I fell on my butt and he came even closer.

"You are gonna pay for messing up my car, you hear me." I nodded my head slowly and got up. I patted my butt off and ran away. He had gotten back in his car and drove towards me. I had stopped running because it wasn't worth it. He drove past and I gave a sigh of relief because he didn't hit me with his car. I walked into school and a hush went among the hallway. I heard the whispers of the cheerleaders mocking me and the rest just looked at me with disgust.

"Ew she is so weird" one girl said to her friend. "Yea she is, why doesn't she just drop dead. I mean it would be better for all of us." I heard her friend say. That was a first. I don't get why everyone hates me, I didn't do a thing to anyone, but I might know what it was. A tear slipped from my eye and a chick yelled...

"oh the mute girl has feelings awwww!" Oh did I forget to mention I don't talk. I ran to my first block class and sat in my spot in the back of the class room. I blinked away some more tears and whipped away the ones that fell on to my cheek. My teacher Mrs. Weeks came up to me and looked sad.

"It's okay Alyssa. You can be different, but don't be brought down by those people out there. You are one of my best students, but I scheduled an appointment with the guidance consoler for you." She said a I shook my head no. I grabbed a sheet of paper and began to write.

"NO! I can't. I can't stay after school. I can't talk to someone about my life. I will not do it!" I wrote and she shook her head.

"You will have to then stay in school and at least talk to me." She said and I shook my head. If father found out I would be in the pit big time and I will get punished for not being home when he gets home. They just don't get my life at all. Nobody does other than my 3 closest friends, but they don't know I get beaten almost every day by my drunkin father. I pushed my thoughts aside when Mrs. Weeks told us about a group project that was coming up. Oh great and I knew why she would do that to. I let out a huff and put my head down.

"Alyssa keep your head up and also you will be partner with Rose, Megan, Louis, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and.... Harry." She said the names for my group and my heart stopped. The only friend in my group was Rose. She was my best friend since my mom left me and my dad when I was 10 and I'm 16 now.

"Okay class this assignment will be due at the end of the month so everyone has 4 weeks. You will have to go to each other's homes In order for this project to work. I'm passing out the paper so take one and pass it down." I felt like crying at the fact that they would have to come over to my house.

Megan wasn't all that bad though, but she wasn't someone you would want to get in a fight with. I was taller than her, but she was like punk; she had tattoos around both arms, earrings ran along her ears and she had snake bites. Everyone got along with Megan unless you were someone like me. Niall was her boyfriend. He had bleach blond hair, and was around 6 feet tall. He didn't have tattoos, but he was a jerk and that made up for that. Zayn I didn't know that well, but he was tall and had black hair that was always pulled into a quiff. His body was covered in tattoos and 2 earrings were among his ears. He also smoked. Louis and me were friends once, but I guess I got on his nerves because he turned against me. He had a kind heart with the sprit of a child, but he got picked on a lot so he changed. His hair was also put into a quiff like the rest but some days he would let it loose. Then there's Liam. He was tall and buff, covered in tattoos and his hair was short and didn't need anything done to it. Last but not least Harry. I didn't know why he hated me, but I was gonna find out. He was over 6 feet tall and tattoos covered his arms and from what I've heard his chest. He had bouncy brown curls that probably got the girls.

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