Chapter 6: The Ending

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Please be home, please be home. That's all I could think as my legs moved me to Hunter's house. It seemed to take forever to get there. The evening sun was coming soon so I had to hurry and get help. I hoped that Abraxas would be alright. The old house appeared sometime later, and I was relieved. I twisted the knob to find it unlocked. Opening the door I saw Hunter standing there like he was waiting for me. He saw me and embraced me me gently. I panted to catch my breath.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I stayed silent for a bit, while I tried to calm my aching lungs. Then I tried to say what I needed to. "What... bought... you home?" I asked in between breaths.

"You." he replied. "You didn't answer my question."

I took in some deep breaths and said,"I think there's a vampire hunter in town, and he's going to come after you next."


I answered his question,"Yeah. I met another vampire named Abraxas, who apparently was my friend long time ago."

"Oh, really?"

The voice he used kinda scared me. It was as if he knew who Abraxas was. But they were couple of 100 years or more apart. There would've been no way that they could know each other. Hunter never told me the names of any other vampires he met, if any, so I assumed that he was a loner.

"You're okay, then?"


"Good." The snarl that escaped his mouth was predatory. He didn't want me around Abraxas. Why?

Hunter lifted my chin to make me look up at him. His eyes seemed so hypnotizing that I couldn't look away. I could then feel Hunter's face to my neck, his breath blowing on me. I anticipated what he was going to do. But why? I told him that I didn't want to be bitten against my will. Something was wrong. I couldn't move. I felt the pinpricks of his teeth at my skin. Help me!

Abraxas suddenly appeared at the door, my eyes now focused and locked on him. I saw him with red eyes where there should be white surrounding his dark violet eyes, and he pupils were glowing red. His fangs were bared. I gasped.

Hunter looked up and pointed to Abraxas. "See, he's the murderous vampire."

"No! He is! Believe me, Willow." Abraxas said.

I didn't know who to believe. I was so confused. Where is the bad vampire who took those lives?

Abraxas then asked me,"Who do you know the most about?" Well, from them look of things, I've know Hunter longer than Abraxas... "Hunter." The next thing that Abraxas said shocked me to the very core.

He replied to me,"That's not his real name. He doesn't even have a name anymore." He paused. "He used to be my underling. He killed those innocent people." I turned to look back at Hunter and I saw a different person. I saw the most evil look on his face and his fangs grew. He totally scared me right then.

"Yes, it was Abraxas who was the strict master that I told you about, Willow. And I wanted to get back at him. What luck I had when I randomly found him with a little girl, you, and I just had to have your blood. But I had to wait almost 12 years just to get to you without any interruptions. Now, I've got you where I want you. I've been thirsty and hungry for so long..."

I struggled to break free as he lowered his fangs toward my neck again. Everything that just happened flashed before my eyes. Everything was a lie between Hunter and I. I never felt so betrayed. "You! You let me go!" Tears burned in my eyes. Abraxas was right all along, and I didn't want to believe that he was. "Help!"

Abraxas lunged at the former Hunter and I was sent sailing into a wall. The pain that assailed me too my breath away and had to close my eyes as the throbbing in my body spread. I couldn't get up. But I could hear Abraxas snarling and fighting the vampire that murdered people. I still can't believe that I was living next to a killer!

I heard another voice and peeked. It was the vampire hunter. He ran and knelt beside me. "Are you alright?" he asked me. I couldn't reply at the moment so instead I nodded. He continued,"My name is Engel, vampire hunter. I must've mistaken your friend for the other one." He offered his hand and I took it. He helped me up. I saw Abraxas in a rage that he killed his old friend and underling in a bloodbath. He tore open his throat and tore him limb from limb. The floor and walls was bloodied.

I found my footing and I ran to stop him and help him. He turned around and grabbed my forearms, his long finger nails digging into my skin and making me bleed tiny streams down my arms. I shout his name over and over,"Abraxas! Abraxas! It's me!" He must've realized that it was me and cried blood tears.

"I hurt you... Help me." he said.

Terror that held me let go and let go of the tears that wanted to fall. I hugged him tightly. It was over.


Engel didn't want to do anything to Abraxas because of his temper and he knew how it would affect me if he had to do away with him. So he promised that he'd check in on us every now and then. That was a week ago, and Halloween is around the corner. Abraxas moved into the old house beside mine, and we're seeing each other. My friends at school want to meet him but I couldn't just yet. Maybe at a Halloween party.

Today after school I went to his house to go hang out with him. We sat on the dusty couch and talked about the future. We cleaned the blood about a week ago.

"I want you to be with me, till the end of time." he told me.

I really wanted to but I had school and a life to live. I really wasn't sure if I wanted to give up my life to drink blood night after night. I told him,"I'm not sure if I'm ready yet." He nodded in understanding. "But I do want you more than anyone."

"Do you want to be connected, then?"

"Sure." I replied, a little unsure what he meant.

"I just need to drink some of your blood." My stomach twisted. "I'll be gentle." I thought it'd be a good idea so that if I'm in trouble or need him, he'll be there in an instant. I exposed my neck and I anticipated his fangs being buried in my skin. His fangs broke through, like biting into an apple. Strangely it felt good. I grabbed his shoulders and drowned into the pleasure.

He was done and I felt lightheaded. He hugged me to him. He held me so tight as if he was going to lose me again. No way was I going to let him go again, either. Until I wanted to be a vampire, this was alright.


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