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I waved awkwardly at him.
"Hey..." I said.
"What are you doing here?"
"Th-they invited me." I said
He nodded
He just Looked away
We got into the parking lot and all of us got out.
"Hey I want shoes!" "I want food"
"I want skin treat ment" they all said and once we went in they all separated. And sanha was only left. I stood there awkwardly in the middle of the shopping center.
"C'mon let's go" he said and pulled me towards the clothes section. He occasionally looked back at me to see if I still followed him. He smiled everytime he did that. We came to a stop to a shop that had cute clothes.
" do you want anything" he asked I shook my head
"Annio it's okay" I said and chuckled awkwardly.
He smiled and turned to a rack of clothes. I took my phone out and checked my phone.


0 msg from mom

10 msg from my brother
6 from my sister
67 from my befriend.
18 missed calls from Andrew
46 missed calls from Mark.

I looked up from my phone to see sanha missing. My anxiety quickly raised.
'Sanha!' I thought of yelling. I looked around. The store looked completely empty. I couldn't see the orange haired boy anywhere. I freaked out and my eyes started getting watery. I couldn't take it anymore and walked around the little shop.
"Sanha?" I whisper yelled.
I was at the last corner of the shop. And saw nothing.
I decided to leave the shop and wait for sanha there.
"Hey cutie" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw rocky walking towards me. He saw that my eyes were red and watery. He dropped his bags and ran towards me.
"What's wrong" he said holding me by my the shoulders. I finally broke down. My whole body was shaking and my anxiety was at its worst.
"D-dont cry...please...don't cause a scene" rocky said.
"Dam it everyone's looking'" he muttered under his breath. Rocky grabbed his jacket and hid his and I face. I legit couldn't stop crying.
"Hanaaaa" sanha went out of the shop screaming my name. "Oh...whats wrong." He said. Rocky looked up at him.
"I don't know she kinda just broke down..." Rocky said. sanha and rocky helped me get up.
"You okay?" Sanha asked. I shook my head. They helped me to the nearest bench.
Rocky sat near me calming me down. Sanha just stood there freaking out like a child. As soon as I felt calmer I finally spoke.
"S-sorry" they both looked at me in shock. Sanha rushed to me.
"Are you okay" he said his scared face made me feel really bad.
"What happened" asked rocky. I shook my head "nothing"
Rocky got up and grabbed his bags he dropped on the floor and sanha took his place in the bench. He put his arm around me and hugged me.
"Are you alright?" He asked me I nodded. He smiled and got something out of his bag.
"Here" he said and handed me a small box. I raised an eyebrow at him
"Open it" he said. I did as I was told. As I opened it I could feel sanha smiling like a mad man.
"SANHA!" I shouted "its beautiful. You shouldn't have" I said. I stood up and kissed his cheek.
"Its nothing. Really I thought it would look cute on you so I bought it" he said. "Here let me help you" he said I lifted my hair and he put the necklace on me.
"I figured you love music so I bought it for you" he said and smiled. I lifted the charm. A treble clef and a small heart.
"Beautiful" I said and smiled.
"Just like you" he said And pinched my cheeks.
Rocky cleared his throat.
"Well its time to meet the others." He said.I smiled and grabbed sanha's hand. Sanha's cheeks were bright red. He held my hand tighter. We walked to where we entered and loads of fans were crowded. Sanha quickly let go of my hand and pushed me away slightly. I stood there as the boys disappeared in the crowd. The crowd departed and a whole walkway was faced to me.
The girls a looked at me some with disgust some with really bright smiles. The whole group of boys were hit in the right angle of light making them. Look like angels. Eun woo held out his hand signalled to come to him. I walked the first few steps then I walked faster as I felt stares beating down on me. murmurs were coming at me like a torpedo being shot. At first I wouldn't feel the great impact till finally it hit me. They were talking about me.
Jin jin walked to me and grabbed my hand.
"This is Hanna she's auditioning for fantagio and we ended up taking her to the shopping center. Go on with your day as for Hanna she is going to study here for a while. So don't worry about not seeing her" jin jin announced. He put his arm around me and walked out side the shopping center.
"Here" they all said as we reached the car. I looked at them all holding either a bag or a charm box.
"Guys thanks but you guys shouldn't have" I said. They smiled and processed on handing me gifts.
"And when I told the girls you have audition I mean it" jin jin said.
"I have absolutely no talent" I told him
"Girl then what are you doing in a school where preforming arts are everything?" He said
"I like to sing. Doesn't mean I'm good but I like to sing" I said
"Sing us a song!" Eunwoo said.
I did what I was told and sang a got7 song.
"Ohhhh" they all chanted.
"That was really good" rocky said.
"Adution for an agency"
"****Fantagio****"  said MJ in between coughs
I smiled widely.
"I would love to...but heh I don't know" I stuttered.
"Come on it'll be fun. Well... The debut part will" said mj
"I'll think about it" I told them. They all cheered.
We drove to the fantagio building.
"Wait what!?".
"You had time! Now let's talk to our manager" said jin jin
"Yah! Okay its cute how you have a crush on her but don't push it" said eunwoo. Everyone went dead quiet.
"Yea honestly this is very childish. For everyone." Said moonbin.
We sat in the car in silence.
"Uh my house is right around the corner I can walk there" I said and unbuckled my seatbelt. As I got up from the car my wrist was grabbed.
"I'll walk with you" said sanha.
And he let go of my wrist. He got out of the car and then I followed.
"Sorry about them" he said putting his hands in his pocket.
"Its alright, its probably been forever since they have seen a girl. Doesn't matter though it was fun hanging out with you guys even though half the day I was having an anxiety attack" I sighed.
"Do you mind if I put my arm around you?" Sanha asked. I was shocked he asked. No one really ask me these sorta things. I got closer to him and stopped walking. He stopped after I did.
"What?" He asked.
That's when I went up for a hug. He was shocked at first. Not giving me a hug back but he ended up hugging me back.
"Hanna I really like you" he said.
I really like you too
I let go of the hug and grabbed his hand. He started blushing.
"Tomorrow let's eat together, I'LL MAKE LUNCH" I said.
He smiled.
"I hang out at the music room you can meet me there,hyungs and I meet there" he said smiling.
I nodded. The rest of the walk we talked about school, and how a foreigner usually acts at the school.
"Well this is my stop" I said he let go of my hand and pulled me into a hug.
I think I'm in love with you Hanna
"It was fun" I said and hugged him back.
"See you tomorrow" I said and let go of the hug.
I walked in and took off my shoes and out in my slippers.
I put ran into the living room to the window and catched sanha still standing there clueless. I giggled to my self.
"Hey hanna" a voice said from the back.
"Hey mark" I said still looking out the window. I heard footsteps leaving the living room. I ran outside to see mark walking up to sanha.
"STOP" I shouted to mark. I grabbed my slipper and through it at him. The slipper missed his head and he was still walking. I started runing to sanha. I luckily got there before mark.
"Hanna get away from him." He told me. I shook my head I grabbed sanha and hugged him. He hugged back quickly.
"Hanna!" He said
He pulled me off of him and he brought his face closer to mine.
Our lips only Centimeters apart from touching.
"I think i-" I cut him off and kissed him. The kiss was like no other. I felt time stop, and everything was frozen. Nothing in the world happened nothing else matters to me but this kiss. The most gentle and sweetest kiss I've had.
We broke the kiss and noticed mark gone.
"H-hanna" he stuttered.
"Bye sanha" I said and turned him around and he started walking away.
I walked inside, I closed the door and leaned back on it. I put my fingers on my lips and smiled.
"Him? Is it because he's an idol?" Mark asked.
"No its because I like him"
"You've only known him for less than a week. How do you like him if you barley know him" he corrected me.
" why are you being bitchy" I snapped at him.
"I'm telling the truth to make you see how stupid and desperate you look" my hand went in the air. I caught myself.
"I'm gonna not talk. I'm heading to my room and gonna take a shower and sleep for school." I said and  went to my room. I grabbed my undergarments and my toothbrush and went straight to my bathroom. I took a quick rinse and headed outta my bathroom. I put my undergarments on and then my long tee shirt. And walked out.
I crawled onto my new bed and stayed on my phone for a while.

hey guys~ sorry for the long hiatus i was legit logged out of my acc for about three months....and i just realized that i have the story. and the rest  of the months ive had writers block. IF YOU SEE GRAMMAR mistakes then owell im not sorry

published 2'17'17

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