family parties and cute boys

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" bright and early " my best friend spoke over the phone . she was referencing a family party her brother was throwing at her house . I was excited as she had told me of the alleged " hella cute boys " that her brother befriended . I soon rested my head after our goodbye , only to be resurrected by a text .

daddy meme master : hey, can we talk ?

my beloved boyfriend had sent to me placing a lump in my throat .

me : yeah , baby , what up ?

daddy meme master : um, I'm leaving you.

I feel my eyes start to burn and tears start to pool .

me : waiT WHAT ?! WHY ?!

i feel my tears escape my eyes and go down my cheeks . I loved this kid , and randomly he decides to break up with me .

daddy meme master : um, well actually, I'm leaving you for Aria

he was leaving me for my second best friend . I didn't know how to react to this . not only was he leaving me but it was for my second best friend .

me : wait you're leaving me foR ARIA ?!

daddy meme master : yeah, I'm sorry, but I just always had feelings for her since you introduced her to me.

I thought back to when I noticed he would reply to her faster . I now noticed I was balling my eyes out . I was completely heart broken . I threw my phone across my room and sat in the dark crying . I spent the rest of the night crying into my pillow .


the sun shined on my face , awakening me abruptly . by the fact my phone was across the room and I was in a weird sleeping position , I knew last night's event weren't a nightmare .

I had to look pass that right now . I promised my best friend that I would go to the party . I got up and started getting ready .

as I got ready and it came time to my outfit I decided to just say " fuck it " and go with something risky . I put on a tight black dress and knee high boots .


after putting my makeup on and finishing my hair I was finally ready . I began the short walk to my best friend's home .

I come to her home and see her on her phone in the front yard . I call to her and she comes over to greet me . she begins to talk about the cute boys .


the day continued fine but , these alleged " cute boys " were nowhere to be seen .

Cris , my best friend , got up to get a drink for us . she rush back , her eyes wide .

" they're here , they're here " she whisper yelled to me .

" wait , what ? who is here "

" the boys , the cute ass boys " she whisper yelled a bit more aggressively .

as she sits back down the sliding glass door to her backyard opens up .

" Blaze " Cris names the first guy .
" T-Lo " she names the next .
" Smalls " she names the third .
she squealed before naming the fourth man " Eric " .
" and , lastly , good ol' Gypsy "

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