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Fills me completely
Not felt for a long time

I raced through the corridors, people diving out of my way as I flew by. My heart was soaring and I was grinning so much I thought my face was going to split. I tore around the corner and ran smack bang into Ronon, just in front of the sparring room.

"Woah! What's wrong?" Ronon reached out and held my arms to steady me with a warm grin. "What did Elizabeth say?"

"She asked me to stay! I mean, I know that it was presumed, but she actually offered! I guess a small part of me always had this fear of being asked to leave, and now..."

"Now you don't have to fear anymore. I'm glad you will be staying here. Here with me." 

Ronon's soft smile made my heart begin to race, and I found myself returning it with excitement. His arms wrapped around me and held me tight, my hands reaching up to curl into his dreadlocks as we leaned into each other. Finally, I thought, as our lips grew closer together. It was about damn time. We'd been moving towards this since we met in that clearing. That's how I felt, anyway.

"Not in the hallway, kids, c'mon!" Sheppard grinned wryly as he stepped out of the sparring room. 

Ronon stepped back with a smirk that widened as I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I had completely forgotten we were standing in the middle of the hallway. I pushed my wayward hair back and cleared my throat. 

"So, sparring, anyone?"

Amid Sheppard and Ronon's chuckles I raised my head and stalked into the sparring room, doing my best to ignore them. Sometimes joy could be difficult to maintain, I thought wryly, especially against such odds. I shed my leather tunic, leaving a cropped undershirt and leather pants on. I pulled my long hair back in a quick tail. Rolling my shoulders, I reached for my sparring blades and turned to face the doorway. Sheppard and Ronon both stood wearing cheeky grins. I couldn't wait to wipe them off their faces when I schooled them both. 

"Well? Who's ready to get their butt kicked? Any takers?"


Stepping out my shower later that day, I couldn't help but replay Sheppard and Ronon's expressions after I managed to beat them both while sparring. Ronon's especially was priceless. For all his arrogance, it still surprised me how much he hated losing. I really did not think it possible for him to look so morose, but now I knew he could, I couldn't wait to try again tomorrow. Wrapping a towel around my body, I ran my hand through my damp hair. One thing I loved about Atlantis was the showers. Who would have thought that water could feel so good? As I walked through to my bedroom, my heart just about jumped out of my chest when I caught sight of a figure standing before my bed. Once I recognised it though, my heart began racing for a different reason.

"By the Goddess, you startled me. What are you doing here, Ronon?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean....." 

Ronon trailed off as he turned and caught sight of my dripping, towel draped body. I held my breath as I watched his eyes travel all the way up, from my toes to my eyes, pausing at all the good bits on the way. His eyes met mine for a brief moment, his mouth ajar, before he psychically forced himself to turn back around. 

"I'm sorry, Alkira. I...I'll wait outside."

With that, he walked straight out without looking back. I sighed. If I thought about it, I actually wanted him to look back. Shaking my head at the direction my thoughts were going, I quickly dressed, sweeping my damp hair into a loose bun and pulling on my favourite worn leather pants. Exiting my room, I found Ronon waiting just outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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